Chapter 7

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Toga sat opposite Izuku who was still suffering from his injuries dealt by the League. He had to escape and kill Shigaraki but Toga is right there staring at him. Izuku knew that if he was going to be successful he would have to pick his moment and then strike quickly and efficiently. His plan for escape was all there in his head but he needed one more thing and fortunately, it came in the form of Tomura Shigaraki himself. Toga sliced Izuku across the face once more before giggling and smiling to herself, leaving the room. Blood trickled down the side of his face as he stared at Shigaraki walk around the room, making himself a drink.

"You shouldn't have come here Midoriya. It was stupid thinking you had a chance. You know, you should have accepted our offer back when we were friends. Then... well, there would have been no need for any of this would there?" Tomura turned back to face Izuku who was trying to use the blood on his wrists and arms to slip himself free of his bindings. The moment he turned around, Izuku stopped struggling. 

"And what if I did? Become another slave to that testicle in a suit? Nah, I'm nobody's bitch." This struck a nerve with Shigaraki and he gripped his glass tighter, shattering it as shards fell to the floor and he tossed the rest at Izuku. He then grabbed the nearby chairs, swung them at the walls and floor and then turned them to dust.

"You dare speak of the Master like that?! Even after what he did for you?!" He screamed in anger, a crazed look gazing into Izuku's eyes. The two glared at each other, filled with spite and hatred.

"That son of a bitch ordered that deal to go down and put my family in the crosshairs. You gave the order to kill everyone there though! I'm gonna kill you Tomura, I'm gonna watch you die. You and All for One are gonna die even if it's the last thing I do." The Punisher was making a promise... no. A guarantee that he will be the last one standing at the end.

"You can sit there and make all the threats you want Midoriya, it doesn't change the fact that when he gets here, Master is going to personally take care of you." Shigaraki turned around and started cleaning up some of the mess made in his tantrum. Covertly, Izuku was using a piece of glass to cut his bindings and escape.

"That right?" Izuku asked, his restraints loosening. "Well, I'll be waiting for him." He declares, snapping through the restraints and tackling Shigaraki into a wall, causing a loud crashing noise and gaining the attention of the other villains present.

Shigaraki quickly reversed their positions and immediately went to grab the Punisher's face but he dodged in time, barely. Instead, Shigaraki's hand touched a support pillar, compromising the structure and forcing some of the building to become unstable. Outside, civilians took note of the sudden architectural failings and decided to call the police. Meanwhile, the other League Members were rushing to make it to their leader to assist him as Izuku punched Tomura in the face twice and then kicked him backwards. Tomura stumbled back and leaned against the bar counter to support himself .

'How?' he thought to himself. 'How is he able to fight after what he has just gone through?! He's cheating!' Tomura once again reached out towards Izuku who quickly dropped down out of the way of his hands and punched Shigaraki right in front of his bladder causing him to release a painful cry. The Punisher was not done yet. He grabbed Tomura's jaw and open mouth, lamming the back of his head against the bar top and jamming one piece of glass through one of his palms. He then quickly grabbed a hidden knife from his vest and cut off three of Shigaraki's fingers in one slice. This forced a painful and bloodcurdling scream to come from Tomura as he pulled what remains of his hand to his shirt to try stop the bleeding. There was no rest as Izuku grabbed him by the hair and punched him in the face, knocking out teeth, crushing bones and drawing blood.

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