Chapter 4

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Izuku woke up to a bright light coming down on his face. He held his hand up in front of him to block out the light as he sat up. He was on a bed in a room with white tiles across the walls and a stone concrete floor. He soon realised that he was no longer in his Punisher suit but in an all white jump suit with white shoes. His face was still bloody and bruised with cuts littering his flesh. His hands still had some dried blood on them but it looked as if someone tried to clean him up. It was at this point he realised he must have been arrested. He noticed the door was heavily reinforced and there was a wall missing, replaced by a large pane of bulletproof and reinforced glass. Wherever he was had high security and he wasn't getting out easily. Just then, he looked beyond the glass as a door opened into the empty room behind the glass. The person who entered had dark black hair, a small stubble, black clothes and an unhealthy amount of bags under their eyes. When they walked in, Izuku took notice of the file in one hand and coffee cup in the other. The man took a seat in front of the glass and opened the file while taking a swig of his brew.

"Izuku Midoriya. Former Marine in the military, given medals for heroism and service to the country while fighting in a war. You're a hero to your country and you saved many lives in your service. But now, you roam around as The Punisher and have taken the lives of countless criminals and gangs who should have stood trail for their crimes. Instead you acted as judge, jury and executioner, taking their lives without a second thought. A decorated veteran, turned vigilante." Izuku listened to him ramble on and list off some events from his life.

"I see you ran a DNA test on me and then pulled my service record, huh Aizawa?"

"You have killed a lot of people Izuku."

"I didn't kill anyone who didn't deserve it." He said, looking away from Aizawa.

"And who decided that they should die? What happens when someone decides that you should for what you've done?" He locked eyes with Aizawa.

"Well then, they better not miss." His voice still rough and stern as ever. 

"You can't just run around my city like it's a shooting range Izuku!" Midoriya then jumped up.

"Yeah?! Well what do you do?! What do you do?! You treat it like it's a fucking playground!" His voice was raised and anger flowed through him. "You beat up the bullies and put them in jail, everyone calls you a hero, right? And then what? A month, a week, a day later they're back on the streets doing the same goddamn thing!"

"So you just put them in the morgue instead of jail?!"

"You're goddamn right I do!"

"Do you even doubt yourself Izuku? Do you ever think, 'Shit, I just killed a human being. That's illegal'?"

"That's pretty generous." Izuku scoffed in return.

"A human being who did a lot of stupid shit, maybe even evil, but had one small piece of goodness in him. Maybe just a scrap, something. And then you come along and that tiny hope, that flicker of light gets snuffed out forever." Aizawa had his eyes narrowed and set on Izuku as he took another sip of his coffee. Izuku just scoffed again and sat down on his cell bed.

"I think you're wrong Aizawa."

"Which part?"

"All of it. I don't believe there's good in the folk that I put down. That's what I think."

"How do you know?"

"I just know. Look around Aizawa, the city it stinks, it's a sewer, it smells like shit! And I can't get the stink out of my nose! I think that this world, it needs men that are willing to make the hard call."

"That's bullshit Midoriya and you know it."

"I do the one thing you heroes can't! You hit them and they get back up. I hit them and they stay down! It's permanent, I make sure they don't make it out on the street again and I take pride in that."

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