Chapter No.18: Peace Only Creates Tragedy

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Esther glares me down, a gaslighting smile on her face. "Hello Theseus, I've been waiting for you." She.. she isn't talking in Shakespearean.. She has been hurting people for all this time, and yet, she won't even do what she asked for. "Esther..?" I couldn't understand this, why is she speaking like a normal person for once? "We have quite the situation to discuss." She laughs maniacally as her hand cups my chin. A sadistically sweet smile cuts into each of her cheeks. This is going to be one Dread of a ride.
"What did I do this time.?" I ask as a glaring Wisp and Galaxy Guardian troupe glare daggers at me. "Kelx, what the fuck do you mean, "what did I do this time?" you sent away two recruits! Two major recruits that might've sealed the treaty we were forming with Esther!" Solar starts, her fury showing in the flames of her hair. "We don't need Esther! These 6 shooters and machetes can do some work! That's our weak blows too! Have you seen the sharpened daggers, crossbows, spears, flame throwers, grenades, revolvers, pistols, rifles, muskets, shotguns, AK-47s, machine guns, battering rams, and the chemical weaponry! It's like my paradise, and anyone who doesn't like it should get their taste buds accessed."
"That's great Kelx, our majesty, although that seems like enough, it's indeed the opposite! Have you realized that magical abilities exist yet? It's been over 7000 years already?" "Oh shush Wisp! If we fail we can just blame the Demonics by saying they brainwashed us!" "We are not framing the innocent Demonics like that, I'm going back to my post." Lunar vanishes off with her statement. "I'm joining Lunar, Kelx you have another ceremony to deal with soon, and it's with that guy you hated when alive!"

Who cares what they think if I still get every little thing I want! It is finally time to watch a little pest squirm and vomit on my carpet! Seriously, they are paying for wherever their vomit lays. Hm, I should check on Inklyn. I wonder if Mr. Python has caught on to my plan yet. Oh well, time to look at more random weapons! Ugh wait, I'm getting a call from a profile that seems familiar. "Kelx Azen? It's us Bow Lynx and Vinyl Calx! We have to keep you aware so we are happy to report that Purss Moper's imprisonment is in good security." I shivered at the name, I can't stand even the thought of his escape.
"Good news Ink! After meeting Mr. X and Mr. Ashz, we can confirm that you are ready to meet with the Mei band!" Mr. Python was excited, more excited than I was, perhaps I was just too tired to show emotion or I was worried he was just getting my hopes up but I truly couldn't remember the last time I saw them. Had it been a couple of days, a couple of weeks? It's not something I couldn't count on if I even tried, they hadn't given me a clock nor a calendar, they say it is because time doesn't have a stable stream here. I'm aware they are lying though, how else would the seasons and yearly rituals still work?

"Take me to them, you better not be messing with me again." I sigh, snapping my fingers to change my dull dress to a nice one. If he isn't lying I do want to look nice for my friends. "Don't worry I! You can trust that this time you will be meeting with them, do you need anything else?" It is strange he is trying to calm my anxiety, I thought I was good enough at hiding this by now for him not to notice. "Could you finally tell me how long I've been here?"
"Why aren't you talking in Shakespearean? You forced us all into this lifestyle for so long just to not even follow it yourself! It's been who knows the amount of the millenniums we have

wasted this way!" I retort back at her, Esther just couldn't ever stop degrading me! I summon my personal weapon from behind my back as Hematite of Hue-Lake has taught me what it was in case of the need of defense.
"Hm, I just decided it was annoying. No more Shakespearean needed!" She answers as if it is the most justified reasoning in existence. "What in Melchior's name is wrong with you? You had us believing for so long that you were the only person who knew justice. Just for you to be revealed as the biggest liar I have ever seen in the existence of this afterlife! I know now what is wrong with this world and I am going to change it. Starting with eliminating YOU!" I take out my weapon, a fantasy bow and arrow powered with karmic energy.
It takes a mere shot to hit her profile even if it was between her wings, to leave her on the floor turning to ash. Sirens blow, alarms sound, however, thanks to my reasoning and profile, I am now responsible for taking her place entirely. The sky dulls, wings flap, suddenly Kelx is walking towards me in this throneroom. "Theseus Claudius, I could not thank you enough. Esther Angelline was the most annoying bitch in all of this realm! How could I thank you? I know! Hue-Lake could use a deity like you to keep it uncorrupt!"

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