Chapter - 12 My angel

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" Talking "
' Thinking '
[Ddraig talking]
{Great red talking }
( Bahamut talking )

Issei:" Asia "

Asia looked towards issei as she ran towards him and hugged him tightly and felt unconscious in his arms .

( Time skip )

Issei was currently sitting on the bed in Asia's room with a sleeping asia on his lap while running his hand throw her blonde hair .

Issei:' She looks so peaceful while sleeping. '

As Issei was thinking that when Asia started mumbling in her sleep.

Asia:" I-issei w-w-where-where are you , i-i miss you, i-i-i am s-scared  "

Issei hearing her mumbling grabbed her hand and started lightly squeezing it .As he went up to her right ear and whispered.

Issei:" Don't worry I am right here . You don't need to be scared "

Hearing Issei's voice Asia suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Issei . She started rubbing her eyes making sure it wasn't a  hallucination .

Asia:" Issei is that really you ?, You aren't dead  "

Issei nodded his head and took one of Asia's hand put it on his chest . Feeling issei's heart beating Asia started crying and launched herself towards issei .

 Feeling issei's heart beating Asia started crying and launched herself towards issei

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Asia:" Please don't leave me again "

Issei:" I won't "

After a moment Asia was done crying and asked where Issei had been. Then Issei started explaining how he was betrayed and ddraig and him figuring out about his reincarnation. Hearing issei's story Asia felt a mix of emotions anger, sadness , and betrayal.she told Issei that she doesn't want to serve under Rias anymore and if there was a way to remove her evil pieces. Issei replied with a yes but said that it will be painfull . Asia just said that she doesn't care and as long as she is not a devil she is willing to go through pain .

Issei:" Asia are you sure about this ? Removing the evil pieces may cause damage to your soul "

Asia:" Yes Issei I am sure . Please just do it . I will be fine "

Issei:" fine then lay down on your bed "
Asia quickly laid on her bed as Issei came near her and put his hand over her heart and soon a magic circle formed where Issei hand was he slowly put his hand in the magic circle which caused immense pain to Asia as she screamed on the top of her lungs . Hearing her scream Issei quickly pulled out his hand .after some time Asia stopped screaming and asked Issei .

Asia:" * Huff Huff * did it work "

Issei showed his hand which was holding a bishop chess pieces.

Issei:" Yes it did but just as I warned you your soul is damaged . And your human body is going to break slowly. You are going to die soon "

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