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Sitting in the police station, (Y/n) stared at the ground. Several people were around them, and they didn't say a word.

"As you can see, there's a few injuries on their face, as well as dry mud; it's an indication that they've been there for several days. I'd assume approximately three to four days." One said, pointing to their face.

Another flashed a small flashlight in their eyes, not saying a thing until they were finished,"Poor thing, probably traumatized. You've seen those videos of the hotel and what monsters apparently live in it."

"Sweetie, can you please tell us what happened? We need to know what happened to you when you went into the hotel, okay?" Another said, in a faux sweet tone.

Still, (Y/n) didn't speak a word.

"Please, we're working with you on this but you're not making it very easy." The same one who previously spoke said.

Buzzing loudly, the lights made it hard for them to focus. Everything was so loud and everyone was in their face and wouldn't shut up, why couldn't they get away? All the people speaking at once made (Y/n)'s head spin and ears ache. There wasn't one thing to focus on, and they couldn't understand what was going on.

"I-I'm fine." They coughed out, tugging the blanket which was wrapped around their shoulders,"I want to go back."

"Can you tell us why?"

"Were you kidnapped?"

"Do you think this may be Stockholm Syndrome?"

"Is there someone waiting for you to return?"

"Were you groomed?"

"Shut up!" (Y/n) snapped,"There was nobody waiting for me there, nobody kidnapped me; I went there on my own free will, out of curiosity. When I got there I found entities who'd worked there before in there, and I found out I was intruding on their home. I was not groomed by them, I was not forced into staying, but I did become fond of them. All they wanted was for me to help them fix the hotel and get it running again. Now, I can't do that because you're wasting my time."

A news reporer came into the room, poking microphones in their face and shooting their cameras at them.

"Do you think you could explain what monstrosities lie in waiting at the hotel, and how lucky you were to escape?"

"For the last time, they aren't monsters! They never hurt me, they never tried to hurt me, and they never will try to hurt me. They were scared because their former boss was assassinated by a human, even though he was human, and they lived in fear they'd be killed too. It's not 'lucky' for me to escape, and I'm going to help them however I can." (Y/n) answered, giving cruel eye contact to the camera.

The entities had gathered in a room occupied by a large table. Paintings hung on the walls and observed the meeting.

Seek, dressed in the same bullet shot hoodie from before, sat at the head of the table. Figure, being closest to the boss and highest ranking out of all the other entities, sat at the other end of the table. Every other entity, excluding Hide, sat at the table. Hide stayed put in a wardrobes behind them.

"Do we have any ideas of how we could get (Y/n) back from this 'cop' person?" Seek questioned.

"Why do you all care so much about a random human you decided not to kill?" Eyes piped, glaring harshly at Seek,"You sound infatuated with this idea that they're like one of us."

"They were taken against their will, Eyes, in case you weren't observant enough to tell." Seek argued,"And we should do something about it, right?"

Rush, Ambush, Timothy, and Hide all shared the same heart pricked mood. They knew it was (Y/n)'s choice to return, and if they chose not to then it was fine.

"You can be seriously giving up on the person who fought, and is likely still fighting, for our equality? The person who wants us to lead lives which we can make our own decisions? The one who was going to fight Glitch and end its rule over us, ending this game?"

Letting its gaze wander from entity to entity, Seek realised there was someone missing.

"Wait, where's Screech?"

Walking up the steps to their front door, (Y/n) felt the harsh grip of the officer finally loosen.

"Ms (M/n), I've found your child." The officer bragged, shoving them forwards without any concern for them.

"Oh, thank you! My poor baby, you must be starving!" (M/n) cooed, pulling them into an embrace and playing with the back of their hair," What happened to you?"

Not in the mood for another explanation, (Y/n) went into their room. Their mother, expressing great concern, followed them, begging for an answer. 

Dipping their hands into the pocket of their clothes, they produced a small creature, stunning (M/n). It's little tentacles wrapped in-between (Y/n)'s fingers, and it rubbed itself against their hand.

"(Y/n), please tell me what's gone on, and what you've got there." (M/n) pleaded, holding her hands together.

"This, mum, is Screech. It's a creature which thrives in dark rooms. It bites people it doesn't like and it grew so attached to me it snuck into my pocket so it could stay with me. When the cops came, they dragged me out the hotel. Little did they knew, Screech came too."

(M/n) wore an expression of discomfort,"Didn't that cop, officer Tracy or something along those lines, get killed in the hotel?"

"The male officer who was there pushed her over and she was crushed by a heavy bookshelf. Figure wouldn't harm anyone unless they did harm to it first."

Seeing (Y/n) so fixated on the hotel sickened (M/n) with worry, and she changed the topic,"Halloween is in a week, and I'm sure you'll want to go trick-or-treating, right?"

(Y/n) couldn't understand how the woman expected her to drop it as if it were nothing; the entities weren't nothing.

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