Chapter 32

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Abby's P.O.V.

Tori's set up this thing where we're going to surprise the guys. We got on the same plane with Tori but she didn't want Hayes or Nash to know we were here. We loaded our stuff into the back of a cab, which drove us to the hotel. We meet up with Tori in the lobby, she ran up and hugged her sister, then smiled at us. We made our way towards the elevator, when I heard Taylor yelling.

"Go to the stairs!" Tori yells. We make a run for the stairway door. After running up 8th flights, we finally made it to the 8th floor. Tori snuck us into her hotel, after setting our bags on the bed. Lacey's phone started ringing, she grabs her Iphone. It's Gilinksy.

"Hey Baby!" She smiles. She probably talked to Jack for a good 20 minutes. "Oh, I would love to fly down but I can't the girls and I have the week book for wedding stuff. Honestly I would love to be in Kentucky with you and away from this stress." She tried to sound upset. "Okay, I love you too, I'll skype you later tonight. Bye." She then hung up. Tori left to go see what the guys are going to do for dinner, while the 4 of us sat around talking more about the wedding and thing similar to that.

"Lacey, you're so lucky!" I slumped down beside her.

"What do you mean?" She had a confused look on her face.

"You're getting married to Jack Gilinsky, he's literally perfect for you." I sighed as Barbara and Veronica agreed with me.

"Awe, thank you!" She blushed. Tori walked in with a sticky note in her hand, smiling to herself.

"Okay, so the guys are going out-" Tori was beginning to explain, until she was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.

"Go to the bathroom!" She whispers pushing us into the restroom.

"Tori, are you sure you don't want to go out to dinner with us?" I assume its Hayes is in the room.

"No, I'm fine here, plus I have homework to finish anyways." Tori lies.

"Okay, we'll have fun and I love you." He leaves the room. Tori then opens the door, she tells us about the plan. We are going to get room service first, then she was going to get the keys to the guys rooms. We ordered food and Tori went out and got the keys.

We ate quickly then got ready, we went over the finally details.

"Once you're in there, you'll have to stay in there until the guys return." I smiled and nodded. Tori closed the door, I sat down on the bed closest to the door, thinking about what Dillons reaction would be. I tucked my hands into the sleeves of one of the hoodies he gave me before he left. I heard the doorknob slightly jiggle and I shot up to see Dillon standing there in amazement.

"Abby, I've missed you so much!" His arms wrapped around my waist.

"I missed you too!" I kissed him.

"Bro, where's the r-" Taylor stops and stares at me. "Ummm, I mean rap bruh!"

"TAYLOR!" I got up and hugged him. "And what were you about to say?" I asked him. He then awkwardly walked away. I turn to Dillon once more and hug him again.

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