Chapter 30

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Nash's P.O.V.

I just got off the phone with someone who wanted to do a Magcon reunion tour. He said that he was going to let the others know, and in about a month we'll be back on tour for several months. I called Cameron to invite him over so we could discuss the plans.

Hayes sat on the couch, skyping Victoria.

"How have you been? I've been missing you like crazy!" Hayes smiles at the screen of his phone.

"I've been great, and I miss you too!" I heard Tori said. Jaxx ran down the hallway as soon as Cam open the door. "Hey Jaxx!" He said messing around with our husky. Hayes turned around and glared at us, he yelled at us to stopped bring loud because talking with his girly-friend.

"Hello Victoria!" Cam and I yelled. Hayes got up and stormed off to the guest room. I looked at Cam, I mentioned the call from earlier about the whole Magcon reunion tour.

"Soo whose all going?" Cam asked me as he plopped down on the couch.

"At the moment I know Gilinsky, Johnson, Aaron, Maghony, Brent, Hayes, myself and I believe Carter are going." I then joined him on the couch. He looked on his phone and saw the email about the tour.

"Are Shawn and Matt going?" Hayes yelled from down the hall.

"I don't know, why don't you call them." I joked. He huffed and closed the door.

~A week later~

Everyone has gather in Florida in a huge conference about the entire tour, about where we are going, how long while be staying there, and if we are taking the plane or tour buses.

I notice Shawn and Barbara smiling down at her phone, every once in awhile they would whisper back and forth. I couldn't help but think about what they were whispering to each other. I noticed the short blonde haired girl glanced up and over towards me, she slightly smiled and stood up, walking away from the table. So the meeting was finally over, I walked over towards Shawn to question him.

"So bro, what was that about?"

"Oh, ummm nothing!" He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling. "Has Gilinsky tell you the news?" He quickly changed the conversation.

"Gilinsky?" I asked. Shawn nodded his head and pointed towards the tall, dark haired boy walking our way. "What's the news Jack?"

"Oh, Lacey and I are engaged!" He smiled, pulling up a picture on his phone. This is amazing one of my best friends is getting married, I looked at him and hugged him.


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