Chapter 17

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Barbara's P.O.V.

Days pasted and thankfully I had Shawn here to comfort me. Hayes was sitting the closest to Tori and they would sit there and talk about all sorts of things. I think Hayes said possibly the cutest thing ever towards her.

"In your eyes, I see something more beautiful than the stars." He really did like her, I'm going to feel bad when Tori and I leave to go back to Michigan. I knew Shawn would have to leave again tonight, which was sad, I really did need him here.

Eventually that time came, he held me in his embrace, then kissed me goodbye.

"I'll text you once I'm on the plane, okay? I love you!" He smiled.

"I love you too." He then left the room leaving me and Hayes left.

"Barbara is she going to be okay, right?" Hayes randomly asked me.

"Of course, she'll be-" He cut me off.

"No.. I mean with me. I really didn't mean to hurt her." He looked at her the glanced back at me.

"Hayes, you two have a special something. I don't Tori will hold this against you." I look at my sister she was sleep soundly. Nash walks in with food for the three of us.

"Oh Shawn is gone." Nash frowned. He then handed out our food. Hayes barely ate his, then Nash and I went and out seconds. When we returned to the room the doctors had pushed Hayes out of the room. He slid down the wall, so that he was now sitting on the ground.

"CLEAR!!" Someone yelled from inside my sister room. I paused I was completely dead inside, I wanted to fall apart. Tears one by one rolled down my face, soon followed by many more. Nash hugged me and kept telling me,

"She's going to be fine, she's strong." Every time they yelled clear my sobbing got worst. The doctors walked out, smiling slightly.

"She's stable..." He then walked away. I went into the room first. The nurses left slowly after making sure she was all good. I called mom and dad, they were already on a flight here. I took my sister's hand and slowly rubbed little circles on the back if it.

She looked so lifeless, so pale and skinny. Her eyes once filled with sparks, now are completely dull. Hayes was mumbling things as, "It's all my fault.."

"You guys should go home, my parents will be here shortly and I would hate myself it they made it so Tori couldn't see you again." I looked towards Hayes. They then left, now we just wait for my parents to get here. I got a text from Shawn..

"Hey, Nash texted me about Victoria. I'm so sorry, I know she going to be fine. I love you baby!" I responded.

"My parents are at the airport, they flew over to be with Victoria. I asked Nash and Hayes to leave, so now it's just me and Victoria." We texted back and forth until my parents walked in.

"Barbara you better start talking!" My mom demands. I lied about a part of it, instead of Hayes being with her, I said I was with her. The doctors came in to explain everything to my parents. She is getting the cast on her wrist off today, and she'll have to keep the one on her foot for quite a bit longer. But then after tonight she'll be okay to fly home tomorrow evening.

"I love you Victoria." My mom kissed her head and then allowed the doctor to do what he needed to.

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