Chapter 11

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Veronica's P.O.V.

Graduation was done and over with, and it was official. I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL!! I knew that my plans for summer were amazing, I was going with Brent to California for a week, and I'm going over to Barbara's on her birthday, I already had special plans for her. Then the rest is still unknown for now but I bet they'll be amazing.

I was snapchatting Brent and he was telling how nice I looked today. Seriously? I was wearing sweatpants and my hair was all messy. It was completely different for him, he looked amazing! He always has seemed to make me laugh, even when I was upset. I love how he knows how I'm feeling, he can tell if I'm nervous or depressed. Which has amazed me, cause I'm not the easiest person to read. I was counting down the day till I got to see him and the guys again. Cameron and Nash seem to message me a lot, it was not normal if they go without talking to me for a day. I notice that Shawn uploaded a new video on youtube, he had his guitar so he must be doing a cover.

"Hey there guys," he began to speak. "So... something or someone new has come into my life. She is the most amazing person that I ever known. But I wanted to dedicate this song to her." His face light up as he played the first chord. He began singing "Hey There Delilah". Aweeeeee, this was adorable, that was for Barbara. I texted her the link with like a dozen smiley faces.

She quickly responded,

"No, this can't be. He said he wanted to keep our relationship a secret from the fans. He doesn't want anyone to hurt me..."

"Well I guess he couldn't keep that secret, but this is legitimately the world's most cutest thing!!" I quickly respond

"Yeah, he's going to be questioned about it tomorrow, he's going on a radio show and I bet I'll be a topic of conversation..." She was beginning to worry me. Was she upset? Did something happen? I decided to make sure she was fine. She didn't text me back, I'm not sure what's going on with her right now. I tried to text Abby, then Lacey. When I don't get a reply from either I pace my living room, trying to think about what was going on in her head. After about an hour of waiting she finally responded,

"Jacob wants to get back together...."

"What, no! Forget that jerk! You have Shawn and he treats you like a princess!" It confused me why Jacob wanted to get back together with her, he has a girlfriend already. She stopped texting me, I messaged Abby and Lacey asking them what to do. They didn't know either but we all agreed that she was worrying us. I scrolled through my Twitter feed and Barbara tweeted;

@Barb_J: When you think everything is perfect, something always comes crashing down ruining it...

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