Chapter 15

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Victoria's P.O.V.

Hayes and I were going out to lunch today, so I made sure to look nice. Well Barbara and her friends had to come in and help me. Lacey did my hair, Barbara and Abby picked out my outfit and Veronica did my make up, it wasn't much but still I wanted to look decent for my first date.

I wore a navy blue skater skirt, a white t-shirt, and a grey cardigan. Along with my grey flats, thankfully my skirt had pockets because I really didn't want to carry a purse. Lacey french braided my hair and Veronica did light eye make-up, and chapstick. Nothing too big, I'm only 14.

Where we were having lunch was just down the street. I met up with Hayes outside he told me I looked beautiful.

"So.." I smiled.

"So.." He mimics the tone in my voice, which made me laugh. He held my hand, and we walked into the nice cafe. We did simple sandwiches and drinks, we mainly just talked about random stuff.

"Do you play any sports?" He asked.

"I do volleyball, and track." I smiled, then took a bite of my sandwich. Soon afterwards we finished and paid, then Hayes wanted to wander around downtown. As we were crossing at a crosswalk, all I saw was a silver car then everything went pitch black, the last thing I heard was,


Barbara's P.O.V.

I was face timing with Shawn when my door slammed open, Nash standing there with tears almost in his eyes.

"What happened?" I was scared.

"T-tori... got...hit.." Nash had tears slowly fall down his face. No... no, Hayes wouldn't of let her get hit. I ended the call with Shawn, and Nash and I drove down to the Hospital. Once we were in the building, I ran up to the front desk.

"Do you have a Victoria James?" I was freaking out.

"Yes, she is still getting treatment, so we can't let vistors in just yet." The man at the front desk typed away at his computer.

"When will her treatment be completed?" I asked.

"Soon. But for now we need you to be seated in the waiting room, we will call you once she's done." I thanked him, I also told him my name. Nash saw Hayes in the waiting room and rush to his side. His head was in his hand, when he looked up his blue eyes were surrounded by red.

"It's my fault.." He cried.

"It can't be, what happened?" Nash asked, trying to comfort his brother to the best of his ability.

"We finished up lunch, and I decided we could wander around downtown for a bit. As we were crossing a cross walk, some guy driving a silver car hit her." Hayes spoke quietly, trying to stop his tears. We probably spent a good couple of hours in that waiting room.

"Barbara James!" I heard someone yell my name. I walked up to the front desk, and smiled at the man.

"Your sister is in room 420B." His face showed sympathy towards me.

"Can I bring people with me?" I asked him.

"As long as they are related to her or are close friends." He told me, I went and got Hayes and Nash and we went to find her room.

Finally there it was room 420 B, I slowly enter the room with Nash and Hayes right behind me.


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