Chapter 29

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Shawn's P.O.V.

I sat in the studio with my guitar in my hands, attempting to work on new song. While Barbara and Aaliyah were at home probably doing each other's hair, I chuckled quietly at the thought of that. It's sad to think that in a couple of days Barbara we'll be flying back to America, and finishing up her final college classes. I leaned back, thinking about how much I am going to miss her when she's goes back. I began tapping my foot and started humming softly. Some lyrics that I've been making up in my mind flowed out of my mouth.

"Darling I want all the strings attached, I love it when you look at me like that." The lyrics made me think of Barbara and the looks she gives me right after we kiss, I grabbed the closest notepad and began writing lyrics that pondered my mind. Next I began playing some chords, then after a good 3 hours, I think I finished it, for the most part. I walked in to the recording room with my guitar and made my first run through of the song.

"All the strings attached, girl

Met this girl when I was three or so

We were holding hands started going slow

And it felt like an eternity

Said it felt like an eternity

'Cause I knew back then we were more than friends

Two sides of the stories in our defense

And I've said it once, say it again

And it'll only end up burning me

Years flew by I was less than twelve

The only reason I need your help

Can you come on over and work with me

Anytime you like and it'll work with me

'Cause I knew back then if I get you close

When the times is right maybe I'll propose

Baby climb up, go on show me the ropes

Darling I want all the strings attached

I love it when you look at me like that

And you're the only girl that brings me back

'Cause baby I want all the strings attached

It's like always and forever

I won't let the moment pass

And when I'm with you I feel better

I want all the strings, all the strings attached

All the strings attached girl

All the strings attached girl, hmm

So come on girl let me hold your hand

Let's go get lost, without a plan

You know you've got the world to see

You know you mean the world to me

And I know right now you have second thoughts

Do whatever it takes, yeah whatever the cost

And you know me, not the type of guy

To sneak around, to do the time

But you must have me hypnotized

I'd get get get get down to be by your side

Every night, yeah

Darling I want all the strings attached

I love it when you look at me like that

And you're the only girl that brings me back

'Cause baby I want all the strings attached

It's like always and forever

I won't let the moment pass

And when I'm with you I feel better

I want all the strings, all the strings

When you fall down, I fall too

And if you get lost, then I get lost with you

And when the waves crash down

I promise I won't move

'Cause I

All the strings attached

I love it when you look at me like that

And you're the only girl that brings me back

'Cause baby I want all the strings attached

It's like always and forever

I won't let the moment pass

And when I'm with you I feel better

I want all the strings, all the strings attached." As I was editing, I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled. I noticed Barbara and my little sister Aaliyah walk in carry Tim Horton's.

"We brought you food." Aaliyah smiled at me, as Barbara handed me the coffee two chocolate chip muffins. As I ate they told me about their day, how they went out for lunch, they even went to mall for a bit.

"Shawn, can Barbara and I go into the recording booth?" My sister asked. I nodded, then she took Barbara's hand and they ran into the booth. "What should we sing?"

"Barbara, do you sing?" I asked her, she pulled up her long blonde hair.

"Well, kinda.." She smiled slightly. She looked at me and began sing 'On My Own' from Les Miserables. Her voice was absolutely beautiful. It was soft but yet very powerful, it was perfection. As she was singing, I took a short video and posted it on Twitter

@ShawnMendes: I did know my lovely girlfriend could sing. #youlearnsomethingneweveryday

We hung out for a while until Barbara had to drive Aailyah home, I attempted to finish the piece so I could send it off to Island. Soon afterwards, Barbara came and picked me up and we then drove back to my house to have a nice dinner with my parents.

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