Chapter 19

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Veronica's P.O.V.

I've been in college for about a month; I'm missing Brent like crazy. He's been on tour with the guys and won't be done for a couple more months. I legitimately am hating school, its soooo boring. I'm missing being able to sleep in and now I basically need coffee to live.

I mainly stayed in my apartment, well except for my classes. I've told Brent I'm seriously thinking of dropping out, but he continues to tell me no. He wants me to stay, and better my learning. I began organizing the things in my apartment, unpacking boxes until I felt like I was going to fall asleep.

The next morning I got up, made some coffee and got ready. As I was doing my hair, I was on the phone with Brent. He was talking about coming back for Barbara's birthday. I forgot about that. I quickly set the straightener done so I could check if I had class that day.

"Brent, I'm a horrible person..." I sat down on the ground.

"Why's that princess?" I loved it when he called me that.

"I have three tests on that day, I can't go." I moved the stray hair out of my face.

"Oh..." He sounded sad about the idea of him not being able to see me.

"I'm sorry." My head now in my hands.

"It's fine, it's not your fault." He told me he had to go. I finished up my hair and put my coffee in a travel mug, then off to class I went.

I sat in the back, feeling bored out of my mind. I checked my phone, smiling at my home screen, which was my favorite picture of Brent. I was waiting for a message from Barbara, I messaged her on my way to class about being able to go.

"Hey, I understand. I had to cancel it anyways cause of my schedule. But we can do it some other time, okay?" She sent.

"Okay, I'll text here in a bit cause I'm in a class." I typed then sent it, sliding my phone back under my binder. Shortly afterwards that class ended, thank goodness.

I hung out with two out of the three people I had a group assignment with. A blonde headed boy with green eyes named Troy, and a dark haired, brown eyed girl named Hope. We all had this massive chemistry project that takes up half of your grade, so you will fail if you don't do it.

Troy looked at me, handing the flash cards he made for the three out us.

"So is Jake going to be here?" Hope asked.

"If not will have to cover his parts." Troy shrugged. We probably worked on that project for several hours in the libary. Then Hope had to get to another class, which left Troy and I.

"Ummm... Veronica?" He asked not looking at me directly.

"Yeah," I continued to scrolled down the list of thing we needed. "Whatcha need?"

"W-would you like to go out sometime?" He asked shyly.

"Umm... Troy you do know I have a boyfriend, right?" I mentioned looking towards him. Disappointment filled his eyes, his smile quickly faded, and he didn't dare to look at me anymore.


"I'm sorry..." I looked down at my feet.

"I-I gotta get going." He put things in his back pack and left the library. I packed my things up and drove back to my apartment; I collapsed on to my bed. I couldn't have said yes, one because I have a boyfriend, and two Hope likes him.

I showered and called it a night.

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