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Chapter 14

    After that moment of heartbeat, the unsightly thoughts grew like weeds, entwining Li Xiangwan's heart tightly.

    He began to pay more attention to Chen Tianheng. Chen Tianheng came here to discuss matters with Liang Hong. He would spend most of the time with Liang Hong, and Li Xiangwan, as Liang Hong's little lover that he wished to carry in his pocket, Naturally, there were many opportunities to meet him.

    Li Xiangwan was very aware of his position and was very quiet most of the time. Unless Liang Hong wanted him to speak, he never arrogantly pestered Liang Hong to ask for something, which made Liang Hong very comfortable. Chen Tianheng looked at everything in his eyes, and in addition to the little things he got along with during the car accident, he felt that he was indeed a well-behaved boy like a cat.

    But they didn't know that everything Li Xiangwan showed them in front of them was carefully disguised.

    Growing up in a slum, and being taught by such a mother, Li Xiangwan saw all kinds of filth, and was not a little white flower who didn't understand anything. He has killed people, and he is still his uncle, but he has never felt uneasy and guilty for it.

    He also hid his shameful thoughts towards Chen Tianheng in this way. With Liang Hong around, Li Xiangwan once thought that those thoughts would keep suffocating in his stomach and he would take him to the grave.

    until that night.

    He was taken to the reception by Liang Hong, and he quietly acted as a beautiful vase beside the man, receiving countless eyes with different meanings.

    After the serious reception was over, Liang Hong had a private table with a few familiar people. As his best brother, Chen Tianheng was of course there.

    Liang Hong never let Li Xiangwan drink too much, at most just enough to add to the fun, so when the men and women brought by the bosses on the table were drunk, Li Xiangwan became the only one among them who was still sober. .

    Next to Chen Tianheng was a female star who had just become popular. At this time, she was already drunk and unconscious, and she lifted her skirt and rubbed against Chen Tianheng. Li Xiangwan nestled in Liang Hong's arms and watched quietly, feeling unsettled in his heart.

    At this time, Liang Hong lowered his head and kissed him, while Li Xiangwan raised his head meekly and responded according to Liang Hong's favorite way.

    Chen Tianheng is not interested, he is not too drunk now, and after looking at Liang Hong, he can see from the other party's eyes that he is still not satisfied.

    "Go to my place to continue?" Liang Hong asked.

    "Go." Chen Tianheng pushed the female star aside and stood up.

    So the three returned to Liang Hong's mansion. Li Xiangwan knew that Liang Hong must be talking to Chen Tianheng about some important things through drinking. , kissed the corner of his lips as usual, and said softly, "I'll take a bath first."

    "Go to the bed and wait for me." Liang Hong bit his ear and whispered, spraying Li Xiangwan with alcohol-smelling breath. On his face, he touched his waist suggestively. Li Xiangwan smiled and went upstairs.

    It was nearly twelve o'clock when Li Xiangwan finished taking a bath. He figured that the two of them had not finished drinking, so he lay on the bed for a while.

    An hour later, he was woken up by the alarm. Seeing that Liang Hong hadn't come up yet, he got up sleepily, re-fastened the straps of his loose nightgown, and went downstairs to check the situation.

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