Chapter 58

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Wolffe was not amused by how hard Kriari was laughing. He knew she would want to hear the conversation they'd had with the trooper, but he never expected to laugh that hard or at all.

"Care to tell me which part of this conversation is amusing to you?"

Kriari dried her tears of mirth as she put her belt and weapons on the little table in her room before taking a seat on Wolffe's lap and putting her arms around his shoulders. His armorless, strong, broad shoulders. During the slow month they had been having, skinship had become more and more familiar between them. Kriari liked the comfort and safety of Wolffe's body next to hers and The Clone Commander simply enjoyed having her near him, where he knew he could be her rock.

"Well, I never knew you wanted to be my whore, Wolffe." she giggled.

He started undoing her padawan's braid as he tried not to look offended, which he wasn't, he simply didn't have the heart to not let her enjoy the moment. She hadn't laughed since she'd been back.

"Well I wouldn't exactly word it like that." He sighed as he finished and put his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

Wolffe was known to be patient, but he would be lying if he said he didn't want Kriari. They had been getting increasingly touchy since they had been reunited, and he was glad for it, but it was also true that he craved more, he mostly checked himself because he didn't want to force her into anything while she was still recovering.

"Of course you wouldn't," she said as she smiled down at him. "You would probably say something polite and romantic with just a hint of possessiveness, without being explicit about what you want."

It was moments like these when His resolve was tested. He doubted Kriari knew just how much her words affected him. He knew she considered whatever this was to be banter and not actual flirting, but they hadn't even kissed yet, not really. Right then, the urge to grab her face and smash their lips together was almost maddening, but he needed to remember who they both were and why he was allowing this to happen in the first place. He was meant to be helping her recover, he was meant to be her pillar, her safe harbor, not a horny man without self control who could only think with his dick.

"Oh believe me, Darling. If you ever want me to be explicit, all you have to do is let me know."

He was supposed to be in control of himself, but sometimes, scratch that, most times, his control slipped far enough to show how he really felt.


Kriari knew exactly what she was doing. She was better, still struggling, but better. Wolffe had been a huge reason for that, and as time went on and their relationship became slowly but steadily more intimate, she realized just how much Wolffe was holding back.

But lately, Wolffe had been slipping. His calm and composed facade dissolved in times like these when they were alone and she was being intentionally and purposefully flirtatious. She wanted him to kiss her damn it! At the very least! She wasn't sure she was ready for sex yet, but she sure wanted the man, and knew that it was a matter of when and not if. And right there, right then "when" did not seem too far off.

The way Wolffe was looking at her, the way his left hand stroked the small of her hand while the right caressed her thigh, the way he called her Darling had her almost melting in his grasp. She was surely going to combust, her face felt hot and the desire to just jump him was almost too much to bear. She knew everything about that was wrong, but Force did she not give a shit at the moment.

"What if I did? Want you to be explicit, that is."

Wolffe's right hand went from the small of her back all the way to her left hip and forcefully dragged her closer to him. His right hand started to trail a path up her thigh, gently squeezing it every now and then. Meanwhile, he started kissing her shoulder, her clavicle, the side of her neck, the spot behind her ear. Kriari had no breath left in her to tease him, no brain cell that was not going haywire, no will to stop him as he made his wishes crystal clear.

"Baby, if you'd let me, I'd have you screaming my name for all the crew to hear."

A sharp knock interrupted the moment and made Kriari jump. Wolffe, however did not let her scramble off his lap as she attempted to flee. He held fast to her and sighed as he motioned her to answer.

"Y-yes?" Kriari hated herself for sounding so unsure, but the smirk on Wolffe's face made her flush even deeper than she already was.

"We have received another Mission briefing Commander, both you and Commander Wolffe have been requested to attend."

So everyone knew Wolffe was with her, brilliant.

"We'll be up to the bridge in five minutes, thank you."

She attempted to stand yet again and was held in place by the man under her. He squeezed her thigh and started kissing her neck once again as she squirmed to get free.

"Wolffe... we need to go." She at least had to pretend she was not enjoying what he was doing, she had encouraged him enough.

"Let them all wait a little longer, they kept us apart for so long, I want to have every piece of you you're willing to give me before they take you away again.

Kriari was starting to lose herself in the feeling of him and the warning bells inside her head were screaming not to be late and not to give the Jedi Council more reasons to distrust her. She knew this would not end until they had both gotten some of the steam off them, so she decided to give him a piece of what he wanted. What they both wanted.

So she turned towards him and grabbed both his cheeks before smashing her lips on his. The man was stunned to say the least. He hesitated a little too long too, which gave Kriari the opening she needed to get off his lap and moving. She hurried through the steps of making herself presentable before heading towards the door. She disappeared before Wolffe could say anything.

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