Getting Ready

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Jay Pov

Jay: So, J.J what was that couple's workout thing between you and Drew McIntyre 

I asked her while moving my eyebrows with a smirk plastered on my face while changing out of my workout clothes next to her in the gym changing room

Jaylo: Oh yeah, you two where pretty close during those squats especially 

Jayla nodded in agreement and obviously happy for the attention to finally be off her

J.J: It was nothing, he just asked me to help him with workout and we decided to workout together and that's all, it's not like we are going to go on a date or something

Jaylo: You never know, maybe he wants to get all up in your bike shorts

Jayla: And the gym is great sweaty place to start 

J.J: Shut Up La, your just happy to not be the only one in the center of attention 

Jayla: And is, I ain't hiding it one bit

Jay: With the way y'all going with these men, there is going to be a lot of mixed kids running around

J.J&Jayla: Shut up

They groaned while blushing from the thought

Jay: Come on y'all we got to go back to the hotel for our stuff, so we call leave and head to the arena

We left the changing room and made our way to the elevators and to our room


We are in the car now and Jaylo is driving us to the arena

J.J: Man, I hope canteen has some good food today

Jay: When do they not have good food

J.J: All the fucking time 

Jay: Kinda true

Jayla: I am excited for our introductions 

She said turning around to face the backseats

J.J: And the debut match

Jaylo: I think this is going to be awesome

Jay: Guys we are going to be the first Quads in WWE History

Jayla: Broo that is so cool to think about

J.J: I am the only one who thinks there should be mixed tag team titles

Jaylo: Yeah, with how many couples there are in this industry 

J.J: That's what I'm saying!

Jaylo: Yo La play some shit

she said cutting us off

Then Eye 2 Eye from the Goofy Movie came on



We pull up to the arena and get inside and head to our locker room to change into our ring gear for tonight

We pull up to the arena and get inside and head to our locker room to change into our ring gear for tonight

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Jay: I want the Red one

Jayla: Blue, please!

J.J: Y'all already know I want Black

Jaylo: That means I get Green!

After we were dressed, we put some large shirts we brought with us over them, so we don't mess them up with makeup or food

We separated and went different ways J.J went to the canteen; I am going to stretch, Jaylo and Jayla went to go around and meet people  

I am stretching my legs when Naomi walked over to me 

Naomi: Hey girly, how was your morning

Jay: It was fine, but some very interesting things did happen 

Naomi: *gasp* What!

Jay: You can't tell anyone else not even the boys

Naomi: Cross my heart and hope to die, now tell me!

Jay: Okay so La has a "Mistico bite" on her neck from a moment in the kitchen with Ryder this morning

Naomi: Nooooo

Jay: And~ J.J was doing close couples' workouts with the one and the only Drew McIntyre 

Naomi: Squats

Jay: Yes

Naomi: Proof

Jay: Videos 

Naomi: Show me

I give her my phone with the video showing

Naomi: Wow he is real comfy behind her, opp- not him grabbing the waist

Jay: Exactly 

Naomi: I did not see that coming

Jay: No one did

Naomi: How did they happen!

Jay: She says that he just came up to her and asked to workout together and they became Gym Buddies, but no one really knows if that's the truth

Naomi: Right

Jay: Mh-hm~

Naomi: Imma talk to her later anyways Okay outfit!

Jay: Thanks girl, we all have the same one different colors 

Naomi: Have y'all decided on a team name and entrance stuff yet

Jay: We are actually going to the studio tomorrow and going to see the entrance manager next weekend 

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