Gym Buddie

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All of us are waiting for Jayla in the cafeteria sitting at a table when I see her rush out the elevator with Rey Mystrios kid, I can't remember his name it was something with a D though once she found our table she made her way over to the table, she looked like she was glowing, mmmhhhh suspicious 

J.J: you want to inform us why you are glowing young lady

I said without thinking and apparently the others were thinking the same

Jaylo: and why you where ten minutes late

Jay: And what's that mark is on your neck

We nodded our heads until we realized what she said, it surprised me so much i spit out my orange juice and Jaylo choked on her breakfast 


She picked up her phone and looked at her neck there was a red mark on her neck clear as day

Jayla: How did this happen!?

Jaylo: Shiiii, you tell us

Jayla: We didn't do anything last night

Jay: Sure honey

Jayla: I'm being serious

J.J: if y'all didn't do anything last night, what did y'all do this morning?

Jayla: Nothing he just hugged me while I was making us some breakfast

Jaylo: was his face near your neck

Jayla: Ye-

J.J: Bingo!

Jay: Called It!

Jaylo: it's almost sad with h-

Jayla: Shut Up!!

She was so red faced we started laughing at the whole way to the gym



We are all at the gym now and are doing separate workouts I am doing weighted squats then i see someone move next to me out of the corner of my eye it was Drew McIntyre

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

We are all at the gym now and are doing separate workouts I am doing weighted squats then i see someone move next to me out of the corner of my eye it was Drew McIntyre

Drew: Hello

J.J: Hi

I said then returned to my work out until I felt him poke my arm

J.J: Yes?

Drew: I was wondering if you could help me stretch and possibly be my spotter

J.J: Sure, just as long as you help me too

Drew: deal, thanks

J.J: No problem

I spend my time in the gym with him but at the same time I could feel my sisters' eyes on me and him especially when we were stretching and during squats, it is time to leave the gym and take a shower since I am covered in sweat and more than usual since I was working at with someone, I really needed a shower

Drew: well lass it was great working out with you

J.J: You too

Drew: Maybe we can do this tomorrow

J.J: I would like that and if we work out like we did today then I am going to become super buff

Drew: I guess we will just have to see, Till then Jay-Jay

J.J: Till then Gym Buddy

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