Girls Trip

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Jaylo POV

We are getting ready to leave we also stake up on plates for when we get hungry later, and as we are walking out the door Mrs. Talisua walks over to us

Talisua: Leaving so soon, Girls

Jayla: Yes, Ma'am we gotta get going

Mrs. Pam heard and moved over to us too

Pam: Aww well it was very nice meeting you all

J.J: it was nice meeting you too

Talisua: Yes, have a safe trip, okay

J.J: Yes, Ma'am we will

we start hugging goodbye when more people came up to us to say goodbye

Rikishi: Yall be good girls

we hug him too, then Dwayne came up and walk straight up to Simone

Dwayne: You going with them

Simone: Yeah, I'll see you later dad

they hug too

Dwanye: Drive safe

Jay: We will

after many hugs and goodbyes, we finally walked out the door and walked to our cars

Naomi: it's not really "night" yet, so what do yall want to do till then?


Jayla: that sounds fun, do you want to come too babe?

Ryder: sure, I have nothing else to do today

Jaylo: Whoo lets goooooooo!!!

we hop into the car and Jayla and Ryder get into their car and off we go on the road to spend more money


we reach the malls parking lot and we park and hop out the car

we meet at the entrance

J.J: So where are we going first

Simone: think we should split off in groups and maybe meet at the Candy Store

J.J: Okay

Jayla: Sounds good to me

Jaylo: Me and J.J will be together 

Jay: Me, Naomi, And Simone will be together

Jayla: Kay Let's GO!!!!

We split of into our groups and the first place me and J.J go to is Forever 21, I drag her into the shoe section and pick up some platform boots

J go to is Forever 21, I drag her into the shoe section and pick up some platform boots

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Jaylo: Ooohhhhh look at these

I hold them up to show her

J.J: they are cute

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