The F*ck

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Jayla went storming out the door and some of us tried to stop her by calling her

Jay: Jayla, What the fuck are you bout to do!?

Talisua : Wait, please think about this!

Roman: Wait Jayla!

Naomi: Jayla! please be smart bout this!

Jimmy: Jayla Please Be Careful!

She continued on ignoring us making her way towards them with anger full in her eyes as we watch from a safe distance inside the house

Jayla: Jey, What The Fucking Hell Are You Doing

Jey: Well, i was- um

she went up and ripped Ryder out of Jey's grip, she turned to Ryder

Jayla: Babe, are you okay?

Ryder: I'm fine, baby

Jayla: You Promise

Ryder: Yeah, I promise

she turned back to Jey and she snapped

Jayla: How Fucking Dare You

Jey: Jayla, I-

Jayla: Shut Up, I Am Talking

*In the house*

Dwayne: Damn what did i miss

Sika: Alot

J.J: Long story short, Jey threatened Jayla's boyfriend Ryder and now Jayla is about to tear Jey a new one

Dwayne: Well Damn

Rikishi: I fear for my sons life

Jaylo: He deserves it

Naomi: All of it

Roman: Really!?

Pam (Roman's mom): Yes boy, all of it

Summer (Roman's Sister): Every last drop of it


Jayla: What The Fuck Do You Think, Gives You The Mother Fucking Right To Threaten My Boyfriend 

Jey: Well um you see-

Jayla: No, Cuz I Have Only Known You For Only What Three, Four Days And You just Decided That You Can Just Go Ahead And Threaten Him And Thought I Would Be Fine With It

Jey: Will you just let m-

Jayla: I Will Not Let You Do Anything Else That Has To Do With Me Or My Boyfriend

Jey: Jayla, Wait Plea-

Jayla: NO, Now We Are Going Back Inside Do Not Try And Talk To Us

she grabs Ryder and strides back inside with Ryder looking like he is in all types of love

Simone (Rock's Daughter): Damn, That Was Entertaining

Jay: Hey we haven't met yet, I'm Jay

Simone: and I am Simone

Jay: Nice to meet you

Simone: You too

Jaylo: Sup, I'm Jaylo and this right here is Jay-Jay

J.J: Hey

Jaylo: and that Angry Girl over there is Jayla

Simone: well its very nice to meet yall 

J.J: Same

Jay: Is No one else starving

Simone: For real tho, i might just die from starvation 

we just look at her

Simone: What did i say something wrong?

J.J: One Of Us

Simone: What?

J,J,J: one of us, one of us, one of us, one of us 2x

Simone: I am still confused

i step forward and do some weird hand motions

J.J:  Simone Johnson, You are Welcomed Into The Sisterhood

Simone: The Sisterhood?

Jaylo: Correct

Jay: We welcome you with open arms

Jayla walks over to us with Ryder Following 

Jayla: What's going on guys?

Jaylo: We are Welcoming Simone Here, into The Sisterhood

Jayla: Woah really that's cool

J.J: Anyways Simone do plan on becoming a wrestler

Simone: Actually, I am

Jayla: That's Awesome that means that we will get to work together

Jay: you know what would be even better?

Simone: What?

Jaylo: yeah, what's better than working together

Jay: If You Joined Our Team but Obviously it would probably take some time but it's a cool thought 

J.J: yeah that is cool

Jayla: Oh Simone, This is my boyfriend Ryder

Ryder: Hi, Nice to meet you

Simone: Hi

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