Damn Right

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Jayla pov

We are walking back to the living room when my phone rang i picked it up and saw it was my mom calling

Jayla: Jaylo, momma's calling 

she stood beside me as i answered the call

Jayla: hey Mama

Mom: hey baby, where's your sister?

Jayla: she's right here

jaylo: hey Momma

mom: hey sweet pea

Jayla: what's going on Ma?

mom: well baby um-, I'm going to be in protective care for a little while

We stop and look at each other

jaylo: why are you going into Protective care?

mom: well, an old Ex of mine has been stalking me for a little while and they had attacked me and your Father at the house

We both Gasp at the new information

Jayla: are yall okay?

mom: I'm doing fine but your Father is in the hospital with a severe concussion

jaylo: what happened to dad?

mom: he was hit in the head with a metal bat and then fell down the flight of stairs

jayla: oh my god!?

jaylo: that's terrible!

Jayla: why would your Ex, attack dad?

mom: i don't know sweet heart but they did say something about payback to your father

J&J: payback?

Jaylo: for what?

mom: i don't know

jaylo: okay but be careful mom

mom: i will sweety, okay now Bye

j&J: bye Momma

End call

Jayla: I swear Momma be stay living that Y/n life

Jay: What happened now?

Jaylo: girl, Dad got attacked by momma crazy ex who has been stalking her for the past years who then broke into the house and knocked dad out with a metal bat and pushed his ass down the stairs

J.J: Damn

Jay: anything else

Jayla: Oh!, and dad has a severe concussion and momma is going into protective services

J.J: okay another thing, which one of her exes did it

Jaylo: I dont know she didn't say

Naomi: what the fuck!

Roman: why is nothing normal with y'all

Jay: I have always asked that same question

Jayla: um guys where is Ryder

Jimmy: Who?

Roman: Yeah, I don't remember

Naomi: Ryder, where is Ryder

Roman: Doesn't ring-a-bell

Jimmy: Hmm, I don't recall that name

Naomi: Really, babe where is he?

Jayla: Where the fuck is my Boyfriend

Jay: And where is Jey

We look around looking for Ryder and Jey

Joelle: their outside! look!

We all look outside the window to see Hunter pinned to the wall by Jey, who was threatening Ryder by the looks of it and before we could say anything Jayla took off out the door

Rakishi: Shits about to go down

J.J: Damn Right

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