(29) Two Different Wants

Beginne am Anfang

"Doflamingo!? Stop that right now! I told you to make amends not commit a crime! Bad Doflamingo!" I had not sensed her approach although as Elizabeth stood in front of me, I knew the worst was yet to come. She had not moved from her spot but I had decided to bring up a point of my own. "Ellie, I told you to remain at the bakery. You disobeyed m-" She did not let me finish however we both had been in the wrong. "And you disobeyed my orders. Don't you dare start with me. Oh, and since you can't do anything right, I'll take care of this"

"What do you mean I can not do anything right?" I had days where I pleased her perfectly although that must have been forgotten. "Shhh! Hello. You much be the family Doflamingo refuses to speak to. I'm sorry for his behavior but we are here to invite you to our little wedding" That had been one of the reasons why she wanted to come down here. Elizabeth however needed to take a step back from speaking to the traitors. "No, we are not"

"Doflamingo, we have already discussed this. I already apologized on your behalf so consider yourself lucky that you don't have to do it. The wedding is Friday so we'll see you then. Let's go Doffy. I picked out a cake and it will be ready Friday morning but we need to return to the dress shop" Elizabeth thought she run this little show and maybe in a way she did, however, she was being careless. I still did not know how she was able to locate me without having any knowledge of the layout of the kingdom. "We can retrieve your dress in th-"

"No, we are going back since you don't have a suit to wear. You were sitting so quietly at the shop that I didn't realize it" There was a time I wore suits but that time has long passed. "I hate wearing suits" Yes, at weddings it was typical for the groom to wear one although they were uncomfortable. "Well, that's too bad. I let you feed on me yesterday and you left me bruised, tired, and not to mention pissed off" We had an agreement in place so I did not see why she always got so upset on feeding day. "Ellie, do you think we could discuss this matter in private?"

"Hey! Hey! Hey! What is Doffy doing in town!? Why was I not informed he was here!?" I knew that voice. It could not be him; it was not possible. Turning I could clearly see the owner of the voice but it was wrong. That could not be him. "Doffy, are you okay? Your face is more pale than usual" I heard Elizabeth speak but my own words were caught in my throat. "He has brought a small child with him as well"

"Who the hell called me a child!?" Elizabeth needed to be careful she always got herself into trouble and while I could handle the situation, I did not want her to start a fight, "She is a loud one" My words still refused to come out although it was Jora who spoke up in regards to Elizabeth. "That is Elizabeth. She has captured the Young Master's heart. I have told all of you about her before" She had told them about her? I did not see why she would have done such a thing. "That is Elizabeth?"

"Yes, that is the Young Master's lover. How are you, Young Master? Is the light becoming too much for you? Elizabeth, have you not thought of the Master's health before bringing him down here?" While she had been the reason, I came down here Jora had no right to put pressure on Elizabeth. "When did this become a personal attack on me? Doffy? Hey, what's wrong with you?" When she started poking my leg I finally snapped out of my mind although my words did not completely make sense. "You should be dead" The facial expression on Elizabeth's face said a lot but it was her words that caused me to fix my mistake. "Excuse me?"

"Not you Elizabeth" It was someone else that should be dead although clearly, he was alive and standing with the rest of them. "Hm, who are you talking about?" Her eyes never left me but it was not me to give the explanation. "Perhaps we should explain Young Master..."


Later That Day...

Elizabeth's Pov

He had been sitting in that chair all afternoon. I couldn't tell just from looking at him what had been the problem so I decided to ask. "Doffy, you're not yourself. What's wrong? Did I push you too much today?" I was worried about him and felt bad that I had forced him to do a lot when down in town. "No, you are not at fault Ellie. I just... I did something terrible so many years ago. H-How have they forgiven me?"

Doflamingo was a strange man although I could tell he was conflicted. He wanted to believe his family was a bunch of traitors but earlier today he had seen they still remained loyal to him. "They're family. Family sticks together no matter what" That was meant to cheer him up however maybe I had said the wrong thing since he got snappy. "If that was true why did your family toss you away with a- No, I am sorry Ellie I did not mean to hurt your feelings"

"No, it's fine. I guess my family was an exception. My father always cared about me but my mother made him less of a person. He loved her and even when their marriage was strained, he always stayed with her because of me. That wasn't love, it was settling. Maybe if he left, I would have had at least one parent who cared. I miss him" My father did care for me; I was sure of that but then again I never did check on him after the first time. I just wanted to believe he was upset I was gone so I didn't want to see it for myself encase it was a lie. "I see. Come along Ellie"

Doflamingo had moved from his spot and I did stand from mine but I was confused as to where he was going. "Where are we going? I haven't finished my dessert yet" It could have easily been taken with me and maybe I would but first I needed an explanation. "My family has been invited to this wedding so it is only fair you can invite yours. Would you like that or is it too much for you?" That couldn't have been right. Doflamingo hated it whenever I would talk about my world, something had changed with him. "I'm allowed to do that? You're being serious?"

"For your benefit, yes but if they step out of line I will be forced to act. I want to see you happy and I have been a source of your sadness. I did not intend to do so. Having emotions was never accepted by my... I am trying for you because I love you" He had cut himself off but I didn't ask about it as I walked over to join him. My dessert could wait here, this was far more important than a piece of cake. "You're doing great Doffy. I'm sorry for yelling at you so much. I love you too but I still don't know why. Do you think we're rushing into this wedding?"

My thoughts were better off in my head although if I was going to marry this man, he should at least be made aware of them. "No, why did you want to cancel the wedding?" His smile was strained however instead of immediately saying what he wanted to hear I spoke about my thoughts. "I don't know. A part of me wants to be with you forever but another part wants to push you off the roof"

"Well, we could always test out your second desire. Fufufu. Might be fun"

"Doffy!? What are you saying!?" I almost felt like smacking him but I remained calm as the crazy person started to laugh. "Fufufu. Relax darling. We will go through with this wedding and when it comes to saying 'I do' that is when you can decide. I will not be upset, I promise. Now, shall we go ask your parents about coming to our wedding?" He trusted me. As questionable as he was on days he trusted me, he wanted to see me happy. He was changing because he loved me. That's the kind of person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

"Hehehe. Yeah, let's go"


To Be Continued...

Doflamingo x OC {Don't Open The Door} RemakeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt