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"You should slice the chicken wings in three pieces." Jeongin said showing him the rest of the process. "Woah! Where did you learn that?" Seungmin asked completing the other lollipops. "Someone special taught me." He said preparing the other ingredients.

"Who?" He asked finishing the second one. But it was silent, he heard a faint sniffle. He turned to his side to see Jeongin but he wasn't exactly sure if he was crying or was it just the spices. "What happened?" Jeongin lifted his head and a tear escaped his eyes.

"I-it was no one.. i don't think you should know.." He wiped away the tear and went back to his work. "Oh..ok.. anyways can pass me a sharper knife, this one isnt working that well." The older handed him after which the younger thanked him.

Seungmin was so busy in daydreaming. So he didn't realize when he had got a cut on his finger, but even after he got cut he didn't feel the pain. He went to wash his hands and noticed blood and the stinging feeling. He winced in pain from the stinging sensation.

"Aish! Can't you be careful!?" He scolded and went to grab the first aid kit, thankfully for them, it was present there. He disinfected the wound and applied the bandage.

"Now you stay here I'll finish the rest of the process." He said sternly yet it was soft. This was the first time seungmin had heard his soft tone, atleast when he's with him.

"No! I want to help!" He demanded but all he got was a stern 'no'.

"Fine." He sighed in defeat. "Well you can set the table, if you want, Darling." Jeongin continued. "I told- you know what?! I give up." SeungMin huffed.

"Mhm, now would you help with the table?"

"Ugh- fine." He rolled his eyes and got to work. Since it wasn't much, it was done in a few minutes. "Done." He yelled with a satisfaction in his words.

"Well, you're quick, anyways I'm done too." Jeongin set the food on the table and both of them began eating.

"Woah, bro! These are awesome!" SeungMin complimented. "Well of course cause you helped me make them." He said with a flirtious face and winked at the end.

"Ew, don't make that face, you look even more ugly." He scrunched his face in disgust. "I guess you've been staring too much, to notice your husband's face. Am I right Darling?" He had a smug face, which SeungMin wanted to scratch off.

"Nope, you're wrong. You're ugliness is clearly visible, even from afar, I could recognize you and your ugly face." SeungMin, who was clearly annoyed by the flirting, even tho it was pretty much correct, spat out.

"Cute." Was all he said and went to place the dishes in the sink. "I'll do the dishes." SeungMin too placed his dishes in the sink. "Yeah sure, I have some work at the company. I'll be leaving, so don't miss me too much, Sweetheart." He dashed out of the kitchen and to his room to get ready.

Ignoring the crap the older just said, SeungMin continued to concentrate on the dishes. Once they were done, he noticed the other had already left. So without thinking much he just let it be and called his cousin, a moody, sassy, sarcastic bitch, to be true.

Han Jisung.

"Yo, bitch wanna hang out?"

"Sure, mf. But where?"

"How the park? Bitch."

"Well see ya there in five, little fuck."

"I hate you sometimes."

"I love me too, thank you bitch." And he hung up.


A/n : ok first of all, IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. MY MOM DIDN'T GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK. And well changed the password too, but doesn't matter I figured it out. Anyways, I'm sorry guys. I can't use my phone rn. But I'll use my mom's phone. Dw

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