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Hello mate! it's your old Crispy, hope you enjoy reading <3 sorry for late updates your author is lazy 🤧


"Bish go that side you're taking up all the space."

"I'm not you have enough space, stop eating so much."

"Looks like you want to eat tissues!"

"I don't! You're thinking too much!"

"Damn kid go and sleep!"

"Who are you calling a kid, old man!"

"Do you see anybody else in the room i can talk to?"


Minho didn't say anything instead grabbed some tissues and stuffed in his mouth and made a pillow wall in between.

"Why are they shouting in the middle of the night?"

"Who cares go to sleep Lixie"

"Maybe you're right, cause nobody in this house is normal." He sighed by the sudden realization.

"Yup more weird than weird."

"Is there a moment where this house is normal?" Seungmin asked still struggling to get out of the grip.

"Nah not once" Jeongin replied while finally freeing him.

"Finally" he said in relief.

"Want me to do it again?" He said smile a bit.

"Uh- no thank you"

"Why not" he whined a bit

"Don't know." He was blushing hard.

"Fine then." He came closer and again hugged him by the waist.

"Hey! Let go!" He said with shock and a bit loud.

But the other didn't say anything and snuggled in closer. Till there was no gap in between them.

Seungmin could feel his heart beating louder and butterflies in the stomach. (A/n: the only thing i feel in my stomach is hunger 丅_丅 sad lyf)

But he turned around and went to sleep.


A/n: That's it, have a great day bye bye 💗

Words - 285

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