Chapter 15

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Warning: Slight mentions of rape and abuse, probably a bit of violence

Trevor's POV

I was strolling in the forest after my little spar with Alpha when I heard moans of pain and a muffled scream 

"That's it b****, scream for me" I heard someone groan in pleasure

What the absolute fuck is going on over there?

I was about to turn back when my curiosity took over and I peeked from behind a huge oak tree. A cute little dryad poked out of the tree and gave me a complicated look before disappearing back into her tree.

I shrugged off the bad feeling I had and turned my attention to the scene in front of me. What I saw made me almost puke in disgust and anger.

Steve was drilling himself into Annabeth, who looked like she was in pain, her lower parts littered with bruises and gold blood was dripping from her coochie. Her grey eyes were dilated and dull, almost as if she had lost all will to live. I

I trembled in anger and was about to move to stop him, but her eyes met mine, a plea in them

'Don't do anything, please. I'll explain later' her voice reverberated in my head



I glared at the ground and mad my way up the tree to keep out of sight, using the water particles in the air to muffle the sounds coming from below. Why the hell is she letting him do this? She's a freaking goddess!!!

Soon, I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

It was the dryad from before. She had a guilty and determined look on her face as she bent to whisper something in my ear. "Things aren't actually what they seem. Watch your back"

Before I could even say anything, she had already disappeared. The hell?

"Is it possible for you to forget what you saw?" Annabeth asked as she elegantly covered her naked self with the strips of fabric that was her destroyed clothing.

"Nope" I swung off the tree and landed in front of her, removing my hoodie "Wear this"

She hesitated and looked at me surprised. She smiled in thanks and wore it, a slight flush on her cheeks "I'm sure you want an explanation"

"Obvi" I scoffed "Why is it that a former demigoddess as smart and intelligent as yourself, who most of the younger demigods looked up to, suddenly betrayed her best friend by opening her legs for someone who isn't all that? I know you can do better than...Steve"

She gave a self-deprecating smile and sat on the grass "I never liked Steve. Circumstances caused me to do this"

"What? What circumstances?"

"Let me first say that I'm not actually a minor goddess of betrayal." she sighed "I am actually the goddess of intelligence and sacrifice"


"The fates informed me of this while I was screaming in pain during my transformation, but they advised me to keep my domains a secret as it would help me in the future"


"I was getting to that" she rolled her eyes 


Annabeth's POV

I was excited for my bestie who was finally getting her rewards. It was about damn time too, she's risked her life for those egotistical brats too many times. Too bad she rejected immortality, we could have lived longer together.

Fempercy Jackson: Betrayed Adopted from @eniolaadora20 and @ShadowW0lfieWhere stories live. Discover now