Chapter 3- What the heck is going on?

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~ 3 months later~

"Thanks for the training" I said grinning at them               "No problem, cuz" Apollo and Hermes said beaming, I swear sometimes they behave like twins (that is, when they're not fighting)    "We'll flash you to camp" dad said            "Thanks dad" I said before they flashed me to CHB

At Camp:-

I had a feeling something was wrong, but I couldn't put my finger on it.  I walked into camp and everyone started glaring at me.  Hmmmm, I wonder what I did wrong.....                                                          "Seph!" Piper yelled running towards me, Jason, Clarisse, Chris, the Stolls, Will, Nico and Thalia not too far behind (FYI, Nico and Will aren't gay in this fanfic, it's not that I don't support solangelo, I just can't write it, sorry solangelo fans)                                                                                                "Hey guys is something wrong?" I asked worried        "Yes, someone's been spreading false rumors about you" Jason spat       "What kind of rumors?" I asked cautious and curious      "The kind where you're the bully and they're the victims" Nico said      "Excuse me?" I said confused, how could anyone believe that?          "He means someone's been doing things and blaming them on you" Thalia said rolling her eyes       "I figured" I said       'Hazel and Frank don't believe them, and neither do the rest of the Romans" Travis said and Connor nodded           "But I can't say the same about Camp Half Blood" Will said crossing his arms       "I kinda noticed" I said sarcastically  "I already have a list of suspects, wanna check it out?" Clarisse asked     "Nah, I think it's just a harmless prank" I shrugged "I'll just go say hi to Annabeth, kay?"                  "Be careful" Thalia warned      "No promises" I said walking towards the Athena cabin

I walked all the way to the cabin, ignoring all the glares sent my way. I knocked on the door and Malcolm opened the door, he looked surprised to me, atleast he  doesn't hate me....                            "Hey Seph, what'd ya need?" he asked       "I was wondering if you've seen Annabeth" I said smiling at him      "Oh..... she should be  at the beach" he said not meeting my eyes      "Thanks" I said turning to leave       "Wait"    "Yeah?" I said turning back to him       "Promise me that whatever happens you won't react rashly, until you have gotten a reasonable explanation" he said    "Why?"          "Just promise me" he pleaded  "Of course Malcolm" I said smiling at him, which he reciprocated before closing the door .

I wonder what that was about, maybe he had a dream or something.....                                                           I broke out of my thoughts and began walking towards the beach, but as I reached, the conch horn sounded for dinner, so I walked away, towards my cabin so I could unpack my things.

~A few weeks later~                                                                                                                                                                 I went to the amphitheater (spelling check?) and people were either glaring at me (*cough* Hephaestus cabin *cough*) or  giving me sympathetic looks (*cough* Athena, Hermes, Apollo cabins *cough*), this was starting to get on my nerves. First Harley from the Hephaestus cabin blamed me for stealing his tools and throwing them at the bottom of the lake, then the Ares cabin accused me of  stealing their weapons and painting their cabin pink. Pink. PINK!!! I mean, how could I in my right mind will I paint something pink, I would've used blue to be honest since it's my fave color.  The only people that believe me are my cousins, Clarisse, Katie, her sister Rose, Chris, the Stolls, Piper, Leo (he came back, turns out he went to Ogygia and brought Calypso), the Romans, Calypso, Rachel (she became immortal, cause the oracle didn't want to leave her, plus, she can get a boyfriend if she wishes, Apollo thought it fair) oh and I can't forget Luke's little sisters that he didn't know existed, Lucy and Luna, the Apollo cabin, Hermes cabin, and Annabeth and Steve believe me, but they're starting to feel distant... 

Fempercy Jackson: Betrayed Adopted from @eniolaadora20 and @ShadowW0lfieWhere stories live. Discover now