Chapter 8

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Annabeth's POV

The next morning, we were at the pavilion for breakfast, and that so called brother of Percie hadn't showed up yet. Honestly he seemed a little too rude and angry to be a son of Poseidon, but that's just my opinion.

A few minutes later, 'Trevor' walked in covered from head to toe in golden dust, looking calm and carefree, unlike yesterday.

Chiron motioned for him to stand at the main table and stomped his hoof for our attention. At once all conversation ceased and we all turned to look at him. Mr. D stood and wrapped an arm around 'Trevor', who was still covered in golden dust, and said "Morning you worthless bugs, I'd like you to meet Trevor Jackson, Trevor, introduce yourself" I was surprised that he didn't intentionally mess up his name, but I was even more shocked when he smiled at him.

Trevor grinned sheepishly and waved slightly at us, "Um hi, as you all know I'm Trevor, son of Poseidon and Sally." He said playing with a ball of water before using it to wash off the dust from his body, "And, um, I'm sorry about last night, I just escaped the pit and I was in a bad mood, so when I found out that my baby sis was gone.... I kinda freaked, so I hope we could start over" 

By the time he was done with his guilty tirade, over half of the camp population of female demigods were gaping at him, their faces burning. All of a sudden a blonde Aphrodite girl squealed, and the rest echoed, Trevor's face turned red in embarrassment and he quickly went to the Poseidon table to eat, not before throwing a deadly smirk my way. I turned to see if anyone noticed, but they were all busy eating or discussing his looks, I turned back to look at him, but he was too busy talking to Triton and Kymopoleia.... Wait, when did they get here? Triton looked upset for some reason and kept trying to convince Trevor  to do something, but he just kept shaking his head, digging into his food.

After breakfast, I was speaking to Chiron, when Trevor walked up to us "Yo, my uncle Z said I should ask you for permission to leave camp borders" he said ignoring my presence "Is there something you need?" Chiron asked  "Yes actually, I need to see my mom, you know, tell her I'm still alive after all these years"  "Why didn't you go yesterday?" I asked, he turned to me his eyes swirling with barely contained anger "Because I was naked when the gods found me and Aphrodite decided to waste my time by looking for clothes I could use for the next few years, and by the time she was done it was nighttime and I couldn't just show up at 10:00pm when she's sleeping and then announce that I was alive, she could die of shock!" he explained to me like I was stupid, then he huffed and turned back to Chiron "So can I go?"  "Sure, extend my greetings to Sally" Chiron said smiling slightly "Of course" Trevor smiled back at the centaur before walking away from us

Trevor's POV

After speaking to Chiron

I was walking towards my cabin with Tri and Kym, who were busy arguing about which monster we should interrogate about our sister's whereabouts first. At first it was amusing, but now it's just plain annoying. Anyway, I noticed a crowd of Aphrodite kids standing by the side of my cabin and they looked like they were waiting for me. I sighed. Everyone wants a piece of Trevor. "Tri, Kym, could you guys take this argument to the room, please, settle it the same way you settle everything" I said pushing them towards the door "Rock, paper, scissors" Tri suggested "You're on, Princey" Kym growled and I shut the door behind them, turning to the waiting demigods

"How can I help you folks?" I asked leaning on the doorframe

"We need a favor" The cabin counsellor for the Aphrodite cabin said her lips pursed

"I'm listening" I said raising an eyebrow

"I'm Drew Tanaka, the temporary cabin counsellor until Piper gets back, and we need you to train us" she said, her half siblings nodding behind her

"What?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion

"It's obvious that you're a skilled warrior, we just need you to teach us what you know, it's not that big a chore" the blonde girl from this morning said rolling her eyes

"And you are?" I asked

"Sophie Evans" She said nodding slightly

"Ok, but why do you want me to train you?" I asked genuinely curious, but they just looked angry at me, and I had no idea why

"Don't tell me that you think that just because we are children of the goddess of love we're literal airheads" a Venus kid said glaring at me

"Um no-" I said

"You think that we should just sit in our cabins and do makeovers all day, shipping random people together, right?" a redhead spat

"No" I groaned

"Then what? You think we're useless and can't achieve anything in the mythological world, dontcha?" Sophie growled

I sighed and combed my hand through my hair, something I do when I'm stressed or frustrated. "No, I don't" I deadpanned "I was just curious about why you guys needed me to train you when you guys had Chiron"

They calmed down and looked a little nervous at my question, I actually understood where they were coming from with the accusations, they must really not like being stereotyped

"No one really believes that we want to train, the most they tell us to do is take care of the pegasi or teach campers to ride" Drew said "No one really thinks that we could handle combat"

"Well that's to be expected" I said "I guess I could teach you a few things, but I'm not really good at teaching"

"It's fine" a son of Aphrodite said

"But I'll need weapons" I said

"We can ask the Hephaestus cabin to help make them" Sophie suggested

"Never mind, I'll just ask Hephaestus and Tyson, we'll train on the days I'm not looking for my sister, if you don't mind" I said

"No, and don't worry, you won't regret teaching us, we'll show you what we can do" Drew said confidently

"I'm sure, you are children of the goddess of perfection are you not" I said smirking when I saw their shocked faces

"No one ever remembers that domain" Sophie muttered "And you were raised in Tartarus, how did you know?"

"Hyperion was bored and decided to teach me stuff, like the stories of the gods, titans, primordials, demigods, monsters, the likes" I shrugged "Then he taught me fighting styles, English, Spanish, Italian, and some other languages, he also taught me some things they teach in American high schools"

They looked shocked "All that just because he was bored?"

"Nah, he just wanted to show Kronos that I prefer Hyperion" I chuckled "Anyway I gotta go, I need to visit my mom" they nodded and left waving at me 

I smiled and went into my cabin, where I met a victorious Kym and exhausted Triton, and a very much destroyed room... 

Fempercy Jackson: Betrayed Adopted from @eniolaadora20 and @ShadowW0lfieWhere stories live. Discover now