Chapter 10

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Percie's POV

The next day

I was in the lounge with Luke, Thalia and Castor.

Thalia was teasing Castor about him losing weight and getting taller while Luke sat quietly next to me on the love seat. It was obvious that he wanted to ask me something, but wanted it to be in private.

After a couple of more teasing Castor ran out with his face flushed, and Thalia left laughing, looking for another person to tease.

Immediately they left, Luke's facial expression changed to one of utter confusion

"Percie, why did Chaos recruit you if you're alive?" He asked, I sighed and told him everything that happened

---After explaining---

"So Chaos and Order are your dads?" He asked

"And Poseidon too" I reminded

"Annabeth stole your boyfriend and spread false rumors about you, despite already being a goddess?"

"Mhm" I hummed picking at a loose thread on his shirt

"So you ran away without telling your mom or anyone else that didn't betray you goodbye" He stated raising an eyebrow

I facepalmed "Shit. They're gonna kill me" I mumbled "I didn't even leave a note"

He smiled at my misery then frowned

"Sorry if this is personal, but why?" He asked

I got confused "Huh?"

"Why did you look disappointed when you saw we were alive? Were you expecting someone else?" He looked hurt when he asked

"No Luke, I'm happy you guys are alive, okay?" I said forcing a smile

"Then why did you look upset yesterday?"

"It's.... complicated"

"There was someone else you wanted to see, right?"


"No, it's alright" he stood "You don't have to explain anything"

He offered me a hand and grinned "Can I ask you a question?" I asked

"Sure, go ahead" he shrugged

"Since when did Castor get a tattoo?"

"Since Ethan learnt to draw one" he smirked

"Ethan is a tattoo artist?" I asked incredulous

"He needed something to do other than train all day" he said rolling his eyes as he opened the door to the dorms

And we were greeted with the sight of Michael and Lee stuck to the wall and ceiling and held there by black and silver arrows, Luke sighed

"Zoe, what did Chaos say about sticking your comrades on walls and ceilings?" He asked in a scolding tone, Zoe huffed and snapped her fingers, thereby releasing the poor sons of Apollo, though none too gently.

Lee fell splat on the floor, and Michael literally got a concussion while keeling over.

I couldn't stop laughing.

Trevor Pov

It was the Winter Solstice and we were all gathered in the throne room, the atmosphere tense as everyone glared at the cause of our misfortune

"Any news?" Zeus asked, his black hair greyer than when I first saw him

"Not really" Hermes said, a grim expression clouding his face

"Damnit" Ares cursed, making the younger campers flinch

"I have a lead" a small voice sounded
"Th-there was a trail of silver dust outside the camp borders, it led out into the city and stopped infront of a tree, there were also some silver arrows belonging to Thalia lying around, but the trail stopped cold" the young daughter of Athena said looking at the ground "So there's a high possibility they vanished or were taken by an immortal"

The throne room was silent until Dad almost fell off his throne

"I got it" he mumbled "That bastard creator" then he vanished

"Does anyone know what he meant by that?" Athena asked

Everyone shook their heads

"I just hope my baby sister's okay" I muttered

AN: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. My mom kinda disconnected me from the Wi-Fi, so I just got my sister to let me borrow her phone.
If you guys have any ideas or corrections for this book, feel free to comment about it
Ciao 😋

Fempercy Jackson: Betrayed Adopted from @eniolaadora20 and @ShadowW0lfieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant