Chapter 9

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Trevor's POV

"You guys are seriously the most stupid set of siblings I've ever seen" I said glancing at my messed up cabin

"We never get along, it's not our fault we share different mothers" Kym said glaring at Tri, I rolled my eyes and helped Tri up

"I'm off to my mom's place, don't kill each other while I'm gone, kay?" I said opening the door

"Uh-huh" They replied glaring intently at each other, I sighed and left the cabin and almost instantly I heard a crash and a lot of water came out of the space beneath the door

"I can't live with this" I mumbled and walked towards Thalia's tree 

------line break-------

I knocked on the door to mom's new house and waited anxiously for someone to open the door, after a few minutes of knocking, I heard muffled voices and the door opened and what I saw brought tears to my eyes, and I never cried, not ever since I was kidnapped, but the sight of my mom made me break down crying

"T-trevor is that you?" She asked her blue eyes wide, how she recognized me after 19 years I don't know, but I honestly couldn't care less, I nodded and she immediately hugged me tightly, her head buried in my chest, I pulled her closer and hugged her back tighter than I ever hugged anyone

"Sally, who's at the door?" A deep masculine voice asked and I looked up and met the eyes of a salt-and-pepper haired man who froze at the sight of my mom and I sobbing while hugging each other tightly

"Paul, this is my first child with Poseidon, Trevor, the one I told you about" She said letting go of me "Trevor, this is your stepfather, Paul" I smiled slightly at him and he smiled back after getting over the shock of me being alive I think

"Nice to meet you Paul" I said

" You too, Trevor" he said 

I was about to say more when a giggle interrupted me. I looked around surprised and saw a one-year old girl with salt-and-pepper hair and blue eyes clinging to my leg "How did she even get there without me noticing" I wondered

"Pwercie" She cooed her eyes lighting up, mom giggled and lifted her into her arms

"Not Percie, Estelle, this is your older brother Trevor" mom explained "This is your half sister, Estelle"       

"Oh, hi there little one" I said ruffling her short curls, she giggled and reached for me, I awkwardly took her in my arms and mom led me to the couch where we spent the rest of the day talking and catching up

------Line Break-------

Now I'm back at camp trying to convince Hephaestus and Hecate to help me out 

"C'mon Heph, where's the love for your fave cousin, huh?" I said frustrated

"I don't have time to make all this weapons for you, why do you even need so many?" He said rolling his eyes

"I need them the same way you need air" I said and turned to Hecate " And Hecate, you still haven't paid me back for helping Kronos torture me, or for what your son did to my sister, so you really need to do this for me"

"Fine Trevor, but Hephaestus needs to make the weapons so I could enchant them" She sighed

"No, go ask Tyson" He said pushing me out of his cabin

"He's busy with the guard, don't make me use my last resort" I warned

"What last resort?" They asked confused, I internally smirked, I guess Percie didn't use it often with the gods

I didn't reply and activated my baby seal eyes, I saw them flinch and fidget, I upped the intensity and they broke into a sweat, before I could go full canter, Heph raised his hand and sighed

"Ok, ok, I'll do it" he said and I smirked in triumph, before setting my lips in a neutral thin line

"When will I get them?, I really need to go searching for my sister now" 

"In time" he said vaguely and I left the cabin seeing the entire camp in chaos, everyone was literally screaming "We're screwed" over and over again, what's going on?

I walked up to a trembling Morpheus camper and tapped his shoulder, he looked up at me with a sense of urgency and I was even more confused when he grabbed my arm "We can't go on quests to find Seph" he cried

"What?, Why not?" I asked

"The Oracle left with her, so we can't get any prophecies for the quest" he whimpered

I looked at him and then at the campers who were now standing stock still to see my reaction, and burst out laughing. Like full blown laughter, I doubled over and slapped the Morpheus dude on the back

"Kid, you're hilarious" I said turning to walk away

"Trevor, don't you get it, we can't leave the camp to look for your sister without a prophecy" The Athenian b***h said looking frustrated

"So what you're trying to say is my sister is just a quest to you?" I asked turning to glare at her, she paled slightly but glared right back at me, I raised an eyebrow and scoffed "Anyway I'm leaving to find my sister, Oracle, or no Oracle" I turned around and left

------Line Break-------

Annabeth's POV:

Why does he have to be so fricking stubborn? I groaned and walked back towards my boyfriend, Steve. He hugged me and glared at the back of the hot new demigod son of Poseidon, the one who only cares about his family, his sister especially, to even care about our rules. I saw him talking to the Aphrodite and Venus kids, and saw him bend down to kiss Sophie's cheek to probably  make a point on how short she is, she blushed and was about to hit him, but he blocked her. I got tired of watching him and just kissed Steve's lips and brought him to help me with the plans for Olympus. 

Yes I'm a goddess now, but I'm allowed to come to camp when ever I wish.

A while later, the gods appeared and Apollo cleared his throat to make an announcement

"Demigods, we've been informed that you do not have a prophecy for the quest to find my favorite cousin and Uncle P's only demigod daughter, and no, I do not have a prophecy for you" He said which made them sad "but you guys can divide yourselves into search parties and look for her everywhere you think of, this isn't a quest because we're not the ones assigning you tasks, you're the ones doing it yourself"

"And BTW, we're helping" Hermes said sharing Apollo's grin, everyone cheered at that revelation and I internally groaned when I thought of that attention-seeking bitch being back here, in the spotlight where I belong" I gritted my teeth and walked away, an upset Steve behind me

Fempercy Jackson: Betrayed Adopted from @eniolaadora20 and @ShadowW0lfieWhere stories live. Discover now