Chapter 13- Mission

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Percie's POV

We assembled in the throne room, waiting for Papa to show up

"Where's your cloak, Perce?" Ethan (Fury) asked

"In my room" I answered cheerfully

"Why?" Bianca (Shadow) asked confused

"Cause I don't want to wear it" I grinned at their baffled expressions


"We leave now" Papa announced as he barged into the room

"Um Chaos, Percy's not wearing a cloak" Sami said pointing at me

"She chose not to, right?"


"Then it's no biggie" he shrugged and opened a portal "Hurry in"

We rushed in, Papa behind us

I was struck with a feeling of nostalgia at the sight of the golden streets of Olympus. I breathed in deeply and exhaled almost dreamily at the scent of alpine, ozone and lilacs from Demeter's garden.

I signaled the others to go ahead while I enjoyed the familiar scent, which seemed nearer thanks to my heightened senses

Of course Alpha stayed behind, 'to protect me' he said 

I wandered off to the gardens and plopped myself in a cluster of violets, Alpha beside me

"Who do you think is warring against the gods?" I asked studying the shadows covering his face

"Maybe the Titans are rising again"

"Nah, Kronos is having too much fun with Rhea to bother starting another war"

"The giants?"


"Then who?"

"That's what I'm asking you" I sighed, frustrated

"You could have just asked Chaos" Alpha said placing a violet behind my ear "Cute"

I blushed a bright red and stood "We'd better get going"

He laughed and got up suddenly, trapping me between a tree and him. That's when I noticed his hood was down

"Luke, not now" I flushed at his smirk "Later"

"Aww, why not?" His smirk widened to a grin when I looked at him in disbelief "We could spare a few minutes"

"um, no we can't" I said pushing against his chest 

"Yes, we can" he laughed and dipped his head, nipping my lips lightly

"Papa's gonna be so mad" I muttered and he replied with one of his amazing kisses


Chaos' POV

We left Percie behind with Luke, though I'm starting to regret that decision.


Cause I felt someone stopping time. Who else could have done that but Lukas Castellan?

Once time continued again, I continued to lead the others to the Olympian throne room, which is too far for my lazy self.

A few minutes later we were standing in front of the Olympians and they weren't back yet

"Lord Chaos, to what do we owe the pleasure?" Zeus asked, looking nervously at me

Hm. Do I look that intimidating?

Poseidon glared at me and I stuck my tongue out at him when no one was looking

Fempercy Jackson: Betrayed Adopted from @eniolaadora20 and @ShadowW0lfieWhere stories live. Discover now