Chapter 4- Betrayal

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Anyway, I left for the beach, since that's where I go to think clearly. When I got there, I heard moaning, I decided to give the couple some privacy, until I heard one of them say "Omigosh, Steve. When are you going to break up with that seabrat?" I heard Annabeth ask and I could hear my blood pounding in my ears 'Soon babe. Just be patient, I'll end it with her tomorrow" Steve said    "Why wait till then?" I asked deathly calm appearing right in front of their almost naked selves  "S-s-seph?" Steve stuttered "I-it's not what it looks like, I-"     "Save it Steve' I said glaring at them so hard they flinched, I was trying to reign in my anger since I promised Malcolm that I  won't act rashly "To be honest, it isn't the fact that you cheated that's hurting, but the fact that you're doing it with my best friend, on my favorite spot on my father's domain, too" I said calmly "Seph I-" Anna-bitch started  "I said save it, Chase" I growled "Now as I was saying before the bitch interrupted, why did you do it?"   his facial expression changed from one of remorse to one of loathing  "Look Seph, I never loved you, I'm sorry but I was only using you to get closer to Annabeth" he shrugged, I felt even more angry but I pushed it down  "And I never wanted to be your friend, I only used you to finally be able to go on quests and get recognized" Annabeth said "And I was the one who spread all those nasty rumors about you around camp"        "But why did you pretend?" I asked, by now the whole camp had gathered        'You're so incredibly gullible, it was easy tricking you and everyone else, besides we've always detested you" she said kissing Steve.  

Tears fell freely from my eyes as I stepped back and stumbled  "I never did anything wrong to you and yet this is how you betray me?" I asked in a cold empty voice that made everyone shudder "I gave you my undivided loyalty and you didn't give me yours" my eyes were cold and unforgiving as I glared at the cheating duo "You don't deserve my loyalty or my forgiveness, we shall never be friends or allies" then I turned around and ran towards my cabin, passing a shell shocked Malcolm. I fulfilled my promise Malcolm, don't disappoint me. He nodded and I ran faster to my cabin, so I could leave before curfew. 

When I got there, I saw some of the friends that had remained loyal to me waiting for me there, they glanced up and noticed my tear stricken face  "Oh my gods, Seph, are you alright?" Rachel asked rushing to my side  "No, I just found out that Steve was cheating on me with Annabeth, and she was the one spreading the rumors" I said walking towards my bed "How could I possibly be okay?"  "Oh I'm really gonna murder that bitch" Clarisse growled     "Don't bother Clarisse, she's not worth it" I said packing all my stuff in an enchanted bag  "So what are you doing?" Leo asked  "Are you blind? Can't you see she's packing her things so she could run away?" Calypso asked hitting him upside the head  "OW!" Leo whined    "Can we come with?" Thalia asked      "Knowing you guys even if I say no you'll still sneak out with me, so sure, I couldn't care less" I shrugged on my bag  "Yay!" the Stolls cheered    "C'mon, let's go" I said starting for the door   "We're right behind you" Chris said  

Fempercy Jackson: Betrayed Adopted from @eniolaadora20 and @ShadowW0lfieWhere stories live. Discover now