chapter twenty

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THE NEXT WEEK is possibly the busiest I've ever been. Between staying on top of projects I'm already working on, the addition of this presentation I'm putting together for Kayla, working with Vanessa to ensure everything is where it needs to be, and making time for Rhett—there's been a lot. I barely had the time to get gifts for the fast-approaching Christmas, much less wrap them, but still, I managed to pull through.

And for the first time, in a really long time, I get to see Greyson's face in person when he opens his gift in front of me, which is the only reason I'm going into work late today because it's the only time I have to see him before he heads home to Malibu, and I catch a flight to New York. I'm both excited and anxious about going home, and I have no idea where the unease is coming from. All I know is I want to make the most of all the time I have with my parents, and get home before the lack of Rhett's presence sinks in.

"Merry Christmas, Alice," I say with a bright smile, holding two neatly wrapped packages in my arms. "Is he in Studio B?" I ask, heading in the direction of the studio.

"Hey Emmy," she says as the phone starts to ring. "He is, go on back."

"Thank you," I say and head down the hall. My nude heels click against the shiny wood floors, and I can't help but smile at the sound as I come to a stop outside of Studio B and knock my fist against the wood. I'm about to reach for the door handle, usually because I have to with Greyson's head in the clouds, but before I can reach it, the door pulls open and I'm greeted by Jonas' shining honey eyes.

"Emmy, hey," he says, the mood shifting instantly.

"Hi," I say and step into him, giving him a quick hug in greeting. Greyson's sitting at the soundboard with headphones, which isn't unsurprising, but even with his back to me, I can tell something's wrong. "What happened?" I ask quietly, shifting my gaze to Jonas.

He shrugs. "He's been off for a few days," he admits, his shoulders hanging as he tucks his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. "I think something happened with Robyn, but he won't talk to me about it. Just says he's fine. Maybe you can get it out of him."

"Yeah," I say, eyeing my best friend sadly, because I know it's absolutely Robyn that has soured his mood. "Before I do that," I say, turning and extend the thin gift in my hand, holding it out to him with a smile. "Merry Christmas."

He smiles as he takes it, studying it. "You didn't have to get me anything."

"I know, but I wanted to," I say and hug Greyson's to my chest, watching Jonas carefully. "Well, go ahead." I gesture at the festively wrapped gift. "Open it."

"You're a Christmas person, aren't you?"

"Through and through," I say with a proud grin. I've always loved giving gifts more than I like receiving them, and maybe I go overboard sometimes, but the look of joy that fills someone's eyes is more than worth it.

Jonas looks at me for a second longer before he slips his fingers beneath the corner of the present, ripping into it. When he pulls the front of the paper down, revealing the vinyl cover of Aerosmith's debut album, which I know he already has, but it's the black marking on the front cover that are what make it special. "Emmy, what the hell?"

"Do you like it?"

"This is signed," he says, turning it to me like I didn't already know that. "How in the hell did you manage to pull that off?"

"I have some connections." Meaning I have a famous uncle who was able to pull some strings and get me a signed copy, addressed to Jonas, of the album that began his love for music.

"God, I love you," he says and pulls me into a tight embrace. "Thank you. This is so fucking sick. Best gift ever."

I grin as I wrap my arms around him. "You're welcome."

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