chapter fifteen

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THE SECOND I see the fire station I consider turning around and walking in the opposite direction, the pressure of having to face him after this morning hitting me hard. I thought I wanted to talk through whatever it is that's building in my chest, but it's a lot easier said than done. Especially when I'll likely be facing an audience before I can pull him away, and gossip is likely to start spiralling, which automatically makes this seem like the worst idea ever.

I don't want to make things harder on Rhett.

Me wanting to talk about emotions in our no strings attached agreement is already a lot, having to deal with the questions from his truck members will only be adding to that. This really is a stupid idea. I should have just waited for him to get off and deal with it in two days, but I force myself onto the apparatus floor and push through what small fear I am having.

I need to do this for my own sanity.

"Emmy!" Quinn's voice carries through the wide open room when he spots me from the table set up right outside the lobby door. My lips curl up into a smile when he stands, meeting me halfway to greet me with his warm embrace. "What are you doing here?"

"I was hoping I could talk to Rhett," I say, smoothing my hands down the front of my outfit to rid myself of some of the nerves building in my body. "If he's not busy, that is."

He smiles. "I told you he was better once you got to know him."

A small laugh falls from my lips as I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, unsure of what I'm supposed to say to that. I barely know anything about Rhett, and I think that's my problem. The disconnect between who he is as a person and who he is as my sexual partner are too far apart for me to feel comfortable. "I don't know about that, but..." I swallow the lump in my throat and try to brighten my smile. "Rhett?"

"Right!" He nods and ushers me forward. Unlike the last time I came to the fire station, the table outside the equipment room is full of curious gazes all sizing me up as Quinn guides me forward. "Guys, this is Emmy Morgan," Quinn says and comes to a pause, forcing me to stop too. "She works in that office building we've visited a few times last month for the false alarm."

I meet their wary gaze with a smile as I lift my hand to wave. "Hey," I say and play with the ring on my index finger. "I'm really sorry about that. I dropped a gift basket the other week to apologize for dragging you out so often."

"Oh, yeah! That thing was good," one says as he relaxes in his seat. "What brings you by, Emmy?" he asks with a smile that should make me smile in return. Usually it would, but the question is the one thing I don't want to answer.

"She's here to see Lieutenant," Quinn answers for me, and it should ease some of the worry, but I can only hear the laughter. They clearly are starting to remember who I am, and the not so pleasant way I behaved when Rhett had to carry me out on his shoulder.

"Emmy, have you ever heard of transference?" Another asks and my smile drops, quickly replaced with annoyance at the question.

"Transference would require there to be something to save me from," I say and move my hands to my hips as I watch him. "I don't recall there being an actual problem, do you?"

The bite in his smile doesn't shy away as it widens on his face, earning a few more snickers around the table. "Oh, I like you."

I hum as I turn to Quinn. "Rhett?"

He nods and moves his arm around me, resting his hand on the small of my back as he moves me towards the yellow door. "Sorry about them," he says. "Not many people visit Rhett around her other than his sister. They like to dig in a little when he gets a surprise guest."

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