chapter fourteen

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THE LONGER I laid in bed, staring at the roof, the harder it became to ignore the slow pinching that's been growing since Rhett left. I don't know what it is, if it is a creeping regret that I didn't know I had or worse, it's feelings starting to brew in my chest. Neither is something I want to deal with, and to avoid thinking about it further, I crawl out of bed far earlier than I usually do and start getting ready for work. The distraction of a new day's work exactly what I need to avoid the feelings I don't want to face.

I spend more time on my hair and make-up, taking Poe out for an extra walk despite Rhett taking the initiative to take her out for me before crawling into my bed. A chill crawls over my skin as I step into the lobby of the office, trying to shake the memory of Rhett off my skin as I head up the stairs to the second floor. The glass wall separating B24 publishing from the other businesses on our floor. The office building we work out of isn't huge, but it's big enough to house the seven other business' we share it with.

My heels click against the glossy flooring, expecting the office to be empty considering I came in early, but instead find Kayla sprawled out on one of the pink velvet couches in the waiting room with her laptop rested in her lap. She lifts her eyes at the sound of the door opening, the green in her eyes sparkling at the sight of me.

"You're here early."

My lips curl up as I settle on the couch opposite of her, kicking my feet up on the edge of the coffee table. "I could say the same for you," I tell her. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just looking over some paperwork."

"Are you sure?" I ask. "You know you can talk to me, right?"

"Yes, perfect," she says. "If you want to help me, just keep what you're doing."

I nod my head and consider for another second that maybe it's something more, but before I can question her, she changes the subject from her to me. "Now... tell me everything about last night," she says, shutting her laptop before sliding it onto the cushion next to her.

If there's one thing I know about Kayla, it's her undying need to keep her problems to herself. I don't know if it's the asking for help that scares her or having to admit she needs it in the first place. For as long as I've known her, she's never willingly asked for help and when she does take it, which isn't often, she fights it tooth and nail. It's one of my favorite things about Kayla, her unwillingness to do things the easy way.

She holds herself to higher standards than she does others, and maybe that's going to bite her in the ass one day. It more than likely will, but for right now, she's pushing back and doing everything her way. Never stopping long enough for someone else to unwind her problems for her. She wants to do it herself, and while it annoys me when I'm trying to help her, it's something I wish I knew how to do myself.

Specifically in this moment right now, where I wish I could do everything to avoid this topic and keep what's happening with Rhett to the four walls of my bedroom. But this is Kayla and the warm blush tinting my cheeks has already given too much away.

"Last night?"

She narrows her eyes as she leans forward, digging her elbows into her legs as a crazed smile crosses her lips. "Your sexcapades with Rhett."

"Nothing happened last night." Technically, it's the truth.

"I don't believe that for even a second."

"I'm telling you the truth," I say, trying to cool my cheeks while holding her gaze, but it only seems to make them warmer. "He was waiting for me when I got back from family dinner, and we made out a little, but I had to take Poe out and by the time I got back he was passed out on my couch."

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