chapter nine

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"I GUESS WE know who'd be voted most likely to fall asleep at a wedding reception now," Riker says from his spot at the table, the newlyweds having joined us as the night started to wind down. Lena sits on his lap, her arm wrapped around his shoulder with a smile that's hasn't left her face since they said I do. Her happiness is infectious.

"I can hear you," I say, my eyes still closed tightly as I lean back into Jonas' chest. I don't know when we retired from the dance floor, but at some point, we migrated back to our table and were soon joined by everyone else. Eventually leaning back into Jonas for support as I let my eyes rest from the bright fairy lights that hang around the forest themed reception.

"You were meant to."

I hum as I open my eyes and shift my attention to him across the table. "I'm not asleep," I say. "I'm just resting."

"I think your old age is talking."

Greyson snickers from the spot next to me and I purposely stick my foot out, kicking his thigh. "I will hurt you," I say, before looking at Riker, "and it may be your wedding day, but I am not above punching you."

"I had no idea you were so violent, Emmy." Jonas' chest vibrates from beneath my head as he chuckles, his arms still wrap tightly around me. I roll my eyes as I shift and pull myself up.

"Why is it pick on Emmy day?" I question.

"Just reminding you that you'll always been an honorary Alexander." Greyson grins at me as he curls his fingers around my foot and gives it a gentle shake before moving it away from his leg, not wanting another kick. "You know we love you."

An unconvinced hum leaves my lips when Jonas leans over. "Don't look now, but a very grumpy blond is making his way right for you," he whispers, and I don't need to turn to know it's Rhett, but the usual rush of annoyance is replaced with something else. It's heat that's been sizzling under my skin since the moment at the bar.

He's getting under my skin.

"Rhett!" Lena brightens at the sight of her cousin as she straightens up to greet him.

"Hey Lena," he says, his tone surprisingly sweet. In the short time since I've learned that Rhett and Lena are related, I've come to my own conclusion on the kind of family member Rhett is. He's well liked enough to snag an invitation to the wedding, but where others socialize at family events like these, Rhett observes from the sideline. I don't think I've seen him stray too far from the bar all night, a drink always in hand. "Congratulation to you both."

Riker smiles as his arms move around Lena's waist. "Thanks, man."

Silence falls over the group and I can feel the hairs on the back of my neck raise as he leans over my shoulder. "I'm going to head out," he says, and the warmth of his breath sends a shiver down my spine as I fall still. "Did you want a ride home?"

Greyson's eyes narrow in my direction, but I can't bear to look at him. I can barely look anywhere except straight ahead, because my entire chest is tight, the words caught in my throat. What's worse is I don't know if their wanting to accept or decline the offer.

Thankfully, Jonas nudges my leg with his hand, pulling me out of my daze as I shift. "You've been drinking," I say, lifting my head to look at him.

"Switched to water over two hours ago."

I wet my lips as I consider my answer, watching as his eyes drop to my mouth. "Okay." I surprise myself and school my features to keep it off my face. "Thank you."

He nods, and smiles in Lena's direction before taking a step back to let me stand. Jonas grabs my hand before I can stand, pulling me in his direction as he leans in. "Is this where I tell you not to do something stupid?" he asks with a small smile.

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