[idols] sick! reader

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requested by: @/GhostlyIguana
reader comes down with the flu/a fever

strong immune system cant relate 💪


- Dramatically gasps, acts like the one iconic truck scene in K-Drama's or Isekai Animes.

- Lowkey panics, she's never had so much restraint in her concerns for you compared to her Squid Sister partner. Callie honestly feels like anything could go wrong! You could burn up more.. Your nostrils get even more congested, or maybe even your throat scratches yourself as it feels incredibly sore!

- Ends up having Cuttlefish give advice, as well as Marie, as Callie learns to not overthink it. "Well, they're running a mild fever, nothing to overly worry about now." Heart been broke so many times.. I don't know what to believe...

- Your girlfriend is powering through as much as you are!! Brings you lots of meals, "cheat snacks," and a bunch of love notes around your desk... Or your bedside if your vision happens to be pretty alarming. Probably even forgets that you're sick and, in her head, roleplaying as your servant, her royalty!

- Is scolded by Marie often. Although the pink idol loves you a lot, Callie admittedly doesn't have the best experience for this.


- Probably wants to keep some distance away to avoid getting sick herself.

- Is a bit cautious of you, since Marie finds being sick absolutely horrendous. Sore throat... Or maybe limbs. It's such a drag and she could be doing more important things (with you.) So, maybe expect a cold shoulder.

- Probably oversees you for most of the day if the idol isn't busy. Marie pats you on the head and brings you cold soaked towels for your forehead, any warm meal easy to consume, water.. A whole entire pampering session. She's kind of confused on what triggered for you to be sick, but only focuses on restoring your health.

- The Squid Sister lets Callie watch you sometimes, like a babysitter almost, only to find herself cleaning up a spill that almost ruined your phone, as well as the tears running down her cousin's face while face down in your blanket. Safe to say, Marie has some teaching for the both of you! School style.

- Acts like a mother figure while you're vulnerable like this, but still can't resist a couple of smooches to you.


- You are now the mini-mini hot dog the guy was carrying in Color Pulse.

- Absolutely is the guy just mentioned. Pearl is holding you like/if you're unable to move in a jiffy!... Sort of... With Marina, your girlfriend carries you around to wherever you need *if* you help. Doesn't want to make you feel incapable and insecure!

- Tries cooking (keyword, tries) and does a decent job. Although some of the food items were either slightly undercooked or dry, your girlfriend did her best and it felt nice to eat such a heartwarming meal. Having mote sentimental feelings rather than takeout. But... Why did that egg feel awfully too runny?

- As stated, you are the mini-mini hot dog, AKA Pearl wraps you up in a bunch of comforting blankets (watches you when she has time so you don't overheat) and spoons you from outside of the comforting wrap your girlfriend has trapped you in. Slowly cooking from the inside... Pearl says.

- Super clingy to you but fully regrets it when her throat is all sore and hoarse from a cold.


- It's time for some heavy duty care!

- This octoling with her military background will absolutely wreck this disease that dare infects you. You're her partner! They have no right to do such horror to you... As you struggle to breathe in air with your nose clogged and a string of spit stuck in your throat no matter how much water you drink.

- Probably offers as much as she can to get you to feel better. Marina is yours to command! Normally she won't allow something like this often, the idol will let you rest your head on her lap if it makes you feel better. Her significant other deserves the best!

- Lowkey gets kind of possessive or dictatorial because Marina is the type to be worried over the smallest of things and overthinks, so remind her of any boundaries you have and the DJ will immediately apologize profusely (another issue but we'll work on that later) and just does whatever you feel comfortable with (while checking in.)

- "Pearlie?? Why are they crying so much, their entire face is drenched!" "Rina..."


- Accuses anyone and anything and makes bomb food.

- Due to the chaotic nature of Deep Cut, somebody has to pay! Just anything! Those eels that accidentally got a little too close? Lectured. Shiver or Big Man sneezing and not covering their mouths? Red flag! Ink contaminations? You're done. Sparkling eyes will always appear before a suspect until you get better.

- A third of a great package for taking care of you. Frye's ability is cooking for you! However, she may struggle a bit with making any meals that are easy on you and your body (the idol can sizzle a good crumbed meat.. But for things like porridge....)

- Kind of frantic like Callie but a bit more controlled. Almost like intuition, her fangs always seem to pick up something from you. Like a sensor, Frye manages to sniff(?) out whatever is bothering you. Blow your nose! Or maybe even get some sleep, it's almost frightening how something like her teeth can pick up all of your needs.

- Don't ever lie about things now, you learned the hard way after being in denial of getting sick.. But Frye's fangs are like an all-seeing god.


- Watch them fan herself while she is flabbergasted at your sickness.

- The octoling is ever so surprised to see you sick! What happened? How did this slip past them? This would not be forgiven. However, Shiver would prioritize you from most things (Deep Cut being number 1 regardless if you had met them before) and then she would Do Revenge.

- Is another third of a great packagae for taking care of you. The idol enjoys pampering you and acting as your servant for the time your immune system wasn't strong enough. Soaked towels, dimmed lights, their presence.. Ask way and she'll be on her way.

- When Deep Cut is with you, expect to be full. Big Man's entertainment and games, Frye's food, and Shiver servicing you.. Though she may tug on you a few and basically pull you into them between their legs while you laid back on her, you won't be bored while the idols were there. You may be a little overwhelmed but you'll eventually get used to your partner's shenanigans.

( yes this was an reference to the gear v grub v fun splatfest )

.finished 01/05/23 (😱) 11:07AM
.edited ...

happy belated new years

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