the dream

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Today i again had a dream about Christian. He was staring at me without saying anything. I told him "don't stare at me like that. I'll get nightmares. He still didn't say anything. He started to come closer so i started running. He was following me like a crazy, with his eyes without the black thing. I saw witches everywhere. It was a dark night. We were in a jungle. The witches had long long hair, you couldn't see their faces properly. They were i think 5 witches. I saw one's face and God it was horror! Her teeth! She had rotten teeth! She was smiling at me while i was begging her to save me from Christian. Why would i ask a witch for help? God knows.

Christian just kept following me and following me. Suddenly that witch grabbed my hand and her face was inches away from mine. She then said " you're too beautiful" i then said "no i'm not" "go look in the mirror" was the last thing she said. Then i felt someone is yanking me away from that witch. It was Christian. i felt down on the sand. And then he was surrounded by the witches. I was like in a circle. "You're mine! I can't see you with another boy!!" "You're mine mine mine all mine!!!!" He yelled at me with a jealous and angry expression.

He had a knife in his hand and he was going to kill me when suddenly, out of nowhere a boy in white shirt and blue jeans made his entry. He grabbed the knife out of Christians hand and throwed it away. I couldn't see his face. He said really angry " don't even try to touch her!!! Otherwise i'll kill you!"
Christian said in a hatefull tone "why are you looking at her?? You shouldn't be doing that!'
"You're here only to destroy her! I won't let that happen!" "I'm here to save her and love her and you should go back to hell!" With that the witches disappeared while Christian said one last thing before disappearing " just wait and watch what i'll do"

After that the boy took my hand and said to me "we're meant for each other Amilia" "one day will come that we will meet" i don't know why but i believed every word every sentence what he said. I felt so save with him as if i had no pain,no problem. "I believe you" that's all what i said. "See you soon Amilia" and with that he left and the dream ended. When i woke up i had a feeling that the boy is still with me.such a weird feeling right.

I told this all to my friends and ofcourse Shane wouldn't believe a thing. Alex said maybe it's possible. Tailor and Rose, they believed me "maybe you'll meet him" that's what they said.

And hey that Shane thing. He forgot his muffin in the classroom so Triton, a guy-who-thinks-he's-funny-but-he's-not, he ate that muffin. Yeah he ate it. He's like that. When you leave your food or drink somewhere, he'll take it and use it if it is usable. So he ate that muffin and then he began dancing and singing like a crazy "tralalalaaa laalalaa bembembem" i think he just lost his mind after eating Shane's muffin.

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