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Hiiii babydolls! Christian is the name! I love women very much but there are some bloody idiots who dare to say that i'm a womanizer.
Well i'm not ladys. It's just that i love them to the moon and back. Ever looked at a woman's body? It's heaven. It's all i want. It's all what i desire. And i get everything what i want. EVERYTHING
Doesn't matter which girl, everyone wants me becaus i'm THE CHRISTIAN.
No not Christian Grey. Come on sweethearts. Christian Grey is nothing compared to me. I'm way much more better than him in everything what he does and did

I have ex girlfriends but i don't know anymore if it is 2 or 3. Hell i even forgot their names
My last ex,i totally remember hers.
Shaina. Read the ai as i
She was such a wast of time i say
Always complaining that i'm over possessive, too jealous etc etc
She was flirting with other guys.
I hate that. If you're mine then you're MINE
I immediately broke up with her when she said that i'm cheating om her.
How dare she say that! It's just that i love women so much that i'm always giving my atention to who ever i want to. It's not any of her business!

I'm single now. Looking here there and everywhere
Did i mention that i'm in the basketball team of the college?
All the chicks are running after me
it's not my fault that i look so hot

So many peoples, especcially my friends are asking me until how long i'm going to remain single
I don't say anything about it.
Because nobody needs to know who is my next target.
I kind of have a nexf target.
And yeah i do rember her name. I admitt that in the beginning of the college year when i first saw here in cheese his class, i couldn't remember her name but yeah i never remember any name unless the person becomes important for me or unless it's my enemy's

Amilia. That's her name. I don't know why i'm so attracted to her..
First when i saw her i really tought that she's a shy girl. She didn't talk much, only to her friend that Shane whatever. I was really shocked when i found out that she also can be rebellious! I was observing her that day. She was laughing loudly with her friends and totally acting like a weirdo. Amilia was climbing on a table. That's when i understood she isn't what she looks like!
Which shy girl would climb on a table?? They don't have that much guts! But they're a easy prey hahaa.. to play around with. You can say i love you to them and they'll believe you in a minute! Stupid fools!
Such a badluck that she isn't the easy prey type. Shy girls aren't the hard to get type. They are the opposite
You can get them very easy. But this one...yeah i have to think something else to get her.

First of all i have to eliminate that insane.. i mean Shane.
They act like lovers! As if they are in a relationship! And when i once mentioned that to her, she was like i'm going to throw these fries on your face. Yeah she was eating fries. Well she could eat something else too..ahem..

I'm drawn to her and i think i know why
I have a secret.
A nice secret.
I The Christian, i don't only possess good looks and all that stuff.
I also possess super powers.
It's very cool for me but it might not for the rest of the world.
I can compell girls, make them all mine and do whatever what i want to do with them. Use them as slaves.
You can guess what kind of slaves...

I'm so blessed to have these kind of powers. Blessed by the devil.
And that's not everything what i can do. I can haunt their dreams. I can also kill them and sell their souls to the devil.

I wanted to do that with Shaina but she had this holy locket thing which suddenly one day she decided to wear.

I can't fight that. The holy things like God. So that's the second reason why i left her. Amilia has something that's so attractive. I feel it. I'm going to do everything to make her mine. MINE.

Super powers, i have them and i can also hurt boys with it. So shane darling..if i were you i would back off. I'm always cool so i'm going to act normal. But inside i have a fire that's burning. He has her attention something that i want for a unknown reason. I, the popular guy, i don't crave anyone's attention. The girls are craving and begging for my attention. But why is Amilia not doing that?? Every girl likes me. Almost everyone has a crush on me. Why doesn't she feels like that? Why doesn't she laughs on my jokes? When that insane idiot is joking like a idiot,she always laughs and smiles.
I told Amilia in her dream that she is mine. I do not know what she is doing with her dreams. Does she even remember it? Well she has to!

I tried. I did almost everything to cast a spell on her by constantly making eye contact. But it never did her anything. That's strange because it always works by the other girls.
It's like something or someone is protecting her from me. But what?
Besides from God there is something
She has kind of a weak soul but on the other side she has a strong side really weird this girl. That is what makes her so unique. Sometimes i can't take my eyes off of her.
I don't have a crush on her okay!
If the devil wants, she might get a crush on me hahahaa..

Let's see what will happen babydoll...

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