"How old do you think I am?" Said Hank and death stared him.

"Sorry, Voight. Didn't think it was your scene."

"She practically begged me to come."

"We're glad you're here." I said and patted him on the back.

"Please tell me there is fireworks later." Said San.

"Yes there is fireworks and music."

"I love this parade."

"Jay, stay with her please."

"She's like a child. A drunk child."

"Jay. Go." Said Hank and everyone just laughed.

I followed San around for the rest of the day and watched her join in with some dancing. She even pulled me in to dance with her.

"Not really a fan of dancing."

"Don't be so grumpy, Halstead."

"Okay. Okay. I'm coming."

"Not quick enough." I heard her mutter under her breath.

I froze in my spot and just looked at her before letting out a chuckle. This girl is going to be the death of me.

"Kelly, look after her."

"I don't need to be looked after. It's called having fun. Let loose, people."

"Okay. C'mon. You need water." Said Will as he took her hand.

"I'm not drunk, William."

"No shit. If you were drunk, Hank would order you to go home."

"Good point."

*Will's Pov*

We were handing out water to people when a guy approached us and started talking to Sandrelly. I swear I could see Jay's jaw tick as he looked over and then started to approach.

"Hey, Sandrelly. Give me a hand over here, yeah?"

"One moment, Jay. I'm talking to someone."


"I haven't seen you in years. Not since I left with Andre."

"Hey, Michael. How's the stripping going?"

"Stripping?" Asked Jay.

"A friend of mine, Andre used to be a stripper. They both moved to London." Said San.

"Hm." Hummed Jay.

I pulled him towards me and smacked him in the arm before I handed him some water to give out.

"I can still show you a few skills. My offer still stands."

"Yeah, I remember. You offered me a strip show in front of my boyfriend and I had to stop him from breaking your jaw."

"Yeah that was my mistake."

"He better not make it again." Said Jay towards me.

I looked towards Sandrelly to warn her not to make Jay jealous or angry and luckily, she understood.

"Sorry, Michael. I don't like you like that."

"Nah it's cool. See you around, Ellie."

"See ya."

"You dated a stripper?"


"Cool. I think Antonio wants to party with you." I said and pointed to where he was doing the salsa.

"See you later, guys."

Much later in the evening, we had watched the fireworks and then headed to one of the parties that was held at a nightclub. The unit was now off the clock and so was I as a backup Paramedic.

"So shut up and dance with me!" Shouted the crowd as they jumped up and down with one hand punching the air.

"Shut up and dance with me!" Shouted Sandrelly as she pointed towards Jay.

Jay let out a small laugh before he joined San on the dance floor but he pulled me with him. I pulled Kelly over with me, who brought Stella over with him.

Jay looked towards the unit with embarrassment as he swayed awkwardly.

"Don't do you dare look back, just keep your eyes on me." Said Sandrelly as she put her hands on his face and got Jay to face her.

I watched as they smiled at each other and looked into each other's eyes. Wow, they are so in love with each other but they are both stubborn as hell, so they won't admit it.

Kevin came up behind Jay with powder paint on his hands and pressed his hands on Jay's chest area to make it look like someone was grabbing his pecs.

"Kev owns you now." Laughed Sandrelly.

"So if I do that to you, do I own you." He whisper shouted in her ear.

Sandrelly started blushing but soon ducked her head so Jay couldn't see her. I showed a small smile before the chorus started playing again and we started dancing. This was such a good day.

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