Gift of the Night Fury pt 1

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'This is Berk, boasting the kind of balmy, fun-in-the-sun climate that will give you frostbite on your spleen. The one upside is our annual holiday. We call it Snoggletog. Why we chose such a stupid name remains a mystery. But with the war long over, and dragons living among us, this year's Snoggletog promises to be one to remember.'

We see Hiccup sleeping, then get's woken up by banging on his roof. 

Hiccup: Okay, okay, I'm coming.

He gets up groggily and puts on his helmet before walking outside to greet Toothless.

Hiccup: Well, good morning, Mr. Bossy!

Toothless giggles at Hiccup, and Hiccup imitates Toothless' growl.

Hiccup: Do you always have to wake me up so early to go flying-- [Hiccup's metal foot slips on the ice, but Toothless catches him.]

Hiccup: Stupid leg. Oh, thanks, buddy, I'm okay. Yeah, we can go flying now.

Toothless: [burps in his face]

Hiccup: Eww, eww, what? Eww! Argh! Toothless.

Ester: Seems like you two are having fun.

The two boys turn and see Ester, with Nightshade not too far behind her. Toothless happily bounces his way over to her, asking for pets to which she gladly obliges. Meanwhile, Nightshade bounded his way to Hiccup, greeting him by nuzzling his face.

Ester: Going for another flight today?

Hiccup: [while petting Nightshade] Well, that wasn't really my decision was it.

Toothless: [laughs in dragon]

Hiccup: Don't laugh at me!

Ester: [giggles] Well, I hope you don't mind us joining you, right?

Hiccup: Well of course, milady. Come on! Let's see what you've got today! [runs off]

They are now diving off of a cliff


Ester: Nothing like a good morning flight, right guys!

Hiccup: Couldn't have said it better myself!

Nightshade and Toothless roar in agreement. They see a giant sea stack that had a gap between it and a sort of cliff. 

Ester: He's gonna jump it, isn't he?

Nightshade: [grumbles]

Ester: Yea, you're telling ME. 

Hiccup: Okay, you ready? Easy...

Hiccup unhooks his leg and stands on Toothless, and jumps over a cliff while Toothless goes under. Hiccup lands on Toothless and hooks his leg back in.

Hiccup: Yes! Finally!

Ester: Finally? You've tried this before? [flies next to him]

Hiccup: Uh...yeah. Please don't tell dad, he'll kill me.

Ester: No promises~~

She flies towards Berk with a smug look on her face. Hiccup panicked and chased after her.

Hiccup: ESTER!!

Viking: Here?

A Viking on a Gronckle is holding up a shield.

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