Thirty-Fifth Shot

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"I...I love you, Karina."

"Good morning. I made you some breakfast."

"Have a great day, Karina. I'll pick you up after class."

"Night, dove. Hope to see you in my dreams."

"Want to rewatch How To Get Away with Murder again? I have chips and beers prepared."

"I watered the plants, washed the dishes, and ironed our clothes. What do you need help with next?"

When Calix said that he won't hold back anymore, he really meant it. Since our trip to Monaco, he's been very very sweet to the point that I think I'm going to get diabetes from it. Wala nang katapusan ang kilig ko nito.

Although he was a master at making my heart flutter since we met, these past few weeks were on a whole other league. Since he confessed, it was like nothing could stop him from showing his feelings for me in every word and action that he does, as if he finally crossed the bridge of no return.

His sincerity and efforts were so contagious that I sometimes wonder if I'm some main character of a cheesy romance film that can't help falling in love with their love interest. Puta, totoo nga siguro yung kanta.

Every single day, he makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world to have such a man pursue me in such fervor. It's overwhelming, yes, but more of a good kind. It's only a matter of time before I can finally say those letcheng three words back to him.

Honestly, he didn't even need to do much to make me reciprocate his feelings but it did help give me the push I needed. Ito na siguro talaga ang tamang panahon para sumubok ulit.

However, the official part two of our discussion since Monaco had to be pushed back since school got hectic once again. Finals season was killing me alive since a lot of plates, projects, and tests were due so we didn't have enough time to talk about it properly.

Amidst my hell schedule though, he always had time for me and did everything he could to lend a helping hand. He makes me grateful that I have him by my side and I can never really ask for more. That's why I need to put this long wait to an end soon. Very very soon.

"So, what's the sitch?" BJ asked in a spy-like voice as if we were about to do some Mission Impossible inside a toy store here at this mall in Greenwich Street where the store was blasting 'Jingle Bells' in the background.

Although finals were next week, we needed to buy some decorations for the upcoming Christmas party for the Fine Arts department which will be held on the last day of our exams. After that, I can finally enjoy my winter break in peace with my very patient man.

"What?" I looked at him confused while he was trying on a red and white Christmas hat while Mei across him was playing with a black machine gun toy. Meanwhile, I just finished texting Calix about my current whereabouts since I asked Dane to give us a ride to this shopping center.

BJ clicked his tongue and perked his lips in an exaggerated and sassy manner, "Don't play with me, girl." but instantly shifted into a playful smile.

"You're happy." He said without a hint of uncertainty while giving a pointed gaze at my iPhone which I quickly stashed in the front pocket of my denim jacket.

"He makes you happy?" Mei questioned while fiddling with her machine gun. If I didn't know any better, I'd assume that she was going to point it in my direction to get some answers out of me.

"Well, my life's never been better so I guess, that's a yes," I admitted to them because as stressful school was, it was giving me more reason to be grateful for another day. Moreover, being with these two made everything more exciting. Then there's that man who never fails to remind me every day that my heart is beating well enough that it could put me into a frenzy of emotions.

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