Eighth Shot

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"Bloody hell." The sound of glass breaking echoed through the four walls of my office along with Theo's deep English accent as he cussed. For the love of God, what the fuck is going on?

"Theo," I called him out over the mountain of papers in my desk that I have to read and sign. These damn boring proposals will be the death of me. Can any of these idiots come up with something more interesting to boost sales?

"Yes, Sir—damn it." I know he picked up the broken shards and got hurt in the process. Since when was he this careless?

"Just leave that to someone else from your team to clean. You need to calm the fuck down." I stood from my swivel chair and strode towards him. He looks like he was about to cry while staring at the coffee stain on the million-dollar baroque-designed rug on the floor.

"Get up, Theo," I ordered him and since he wasn't budging, I had to pull him to his feet. He's been acting like his soul has been sucked out of his body since last night and I'm sick of babysitting a brokenhearted fool.

"Why don't you go on a vacation?" I suggested as I almost threw him to the L-shaped brown couch at the right corner of my office because he wasn't moving his feet. It was as if his entire system had shut down.

"Am I getting fired?" As if I could ever fire you, Theo. I'd be questioned by your forefathers as to why I allowed someone from the Walker family to stop serving the heir to the entire Wright billion-dollar fortune.

"You will be if you don't get your shit together." I threatened him and if he was in his right mind, he'd know that I was lying.

Aside from his family background, he's the best at this job since he knows every nook and cranny about my family's business so it'd be a loss if I fire him. However, I might die from stress at seeing him break cups and watch him stare into space like his world was falling apart.

"Is it because of the coffee stain?" Like heck, that's even a problem. You can throw that rug for all I care.

I sighed, "Theo. Just cool off your mind a little. Go to Bora-Bora or something. You can even use one of my yachts and fuck every gay man in all of Europe to heal your broken heart." Although he tries to hide it, I know he has a debaucherous lifestyle like mine. He acts all coy and innocent in front of Elliot but spits fire at my face if I change partners daily like I'm changing my clothes.

"I can't go to Bora-Bora. They're planning to have their honeymoon there." For fuck's sake, why is he being so insufferable?

"Then the Maldives or Italy or just anywhere. Take the week off. Or the entire month, if you want. Don't come to the wedding, I'll come up with something. I'll tell Elliot that you needed heart surgery." The last part was funnier in my head but it sounded too serious, especially with Theo looking glummer than ever. He looks like a pet dog that was left in the rain by its owner.

"Yeah. I badly need that heart surgery." He tried to laugh it off but his smile won't reach his eyes while he fidgets with his fingers.

Is this the same Theo I know? The one who gets riled up at me for thinking about one woman and adjusting schedules for her sake? See who's crying now because of a man, ain't that ironic.

"Just go, Theo. Before I throw you to the Bermuda Triangle myself." I called another one of the people in the secretarial department and asked them to take care of everything. Although it'd be a slight inconvenience without Theo here, there's still a good side to it. Since the nuisance is going to be gone for a while, I can finally do what I want.

First things first, I have to find my Karina.


"You better give me something worth listening to," I warned Dane because I was not in my best mood for any bullshit while I was fixing my dark blue suit in front of a three-sided mirror as we were inside one of Armani's VIP dressing rooms.

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