Fourth Shot

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Karina Louise T. Manalo. That was Bridey's full name as found on Theo's usual background check whenever I got involved with someone.

She's now laying in bed—once again—after passing out when she was in a hurry to leave a few moments ago. Here I thought that she couldn't get any more interesting, she really spiced things up like a firecracker.

"Sir Calix, I think it's best if we leave now. We already moved our flight twice for her." Theo shot me a glare--a look that's committing a murder in his head--and another to Karina, emphasizing the word 'twice' to show his frustration.

I know more than anyone that unscheduled plans irk the hell out of neurotic Theo but I didn't do this just to spite him, I'm a better man than that. I'd stir more trouble to see him get pissed and lash out at me without involving this fireball bride called Karina.

"You can just postpone it again. Don't they say that third time's the charm?" I tried to smile at him which of course annoys him more as he tsk-ed under his breath. Thankfully I'm his boss or else, I'd be a dead man by now. If looks could kill, I'd be flying to hell with that piercing stare of his.

"Calix." He hissed but instantly shifted into secretary mode, "I mean Sir Calix, this is not the time for jokes." But I'd do it all over again to escape boring meetings and annoying old farts who talk shit behind my back.

Although I'd love to continue teasing Theo, I know it's not the best time since Karina was sleeping and I didn't want to disturb her. Ain't I such a nice man?

"We'll leave once her friends get here. End of discussion." I used my stern tone to stop Theo from making any protests.

His forehead creased but not a word of complaint came out, yet I heard him whisper, "Why are you doing all this for a woman?" Honestly, I don't why either. I just can't seem to leave her alone, especially when she's helpless and alone like this. Is this what people often call sympathy or is it pity?

"I'll be outside and contact her friends." He took Karina's iPhone from me--as if gaining possession of it--and immediately stomped loudly while leaving the room like he was purposely doing it to wake her up. If she did, I might get royally pissed at Theo since this bride needs rest more than anyone.

I wonder why I can't seem to get my eyes off of her? Is it simply because I find her so damn attractive?


"Her friends are coming in 5 minutes. We can leave now." I don't know how long I was staring at Karina with her glistening bronze skin, small straight-lined scar by her forehead, arched brows, closed eyes that hold the most bewitching dark brown eyes, short curly lashes, small nose and cupid's bow-shaped lips until Theo slid the door in haste. I never paid this much attention to anyone yet I find myself doing it so naturally. What the actual fuck, Calix?

"Sir Calix, we can't afford any more delays." Theo shot me another deadly look as he tapped the floor using his left foot to push me to get off my seat. Despite my grievances, I have to go or Theo would combust. I guess this is goodbye? "The helicopter is ready." And turn my back away from her. Her unconscious body was the last thing I saw before my men closed the door behind me.

Eventually, we arrived at the helipad which was at the rooftop of the hospital and rode it to get to the airport to avoid traffic because the roads here in Manila could really test anyone's patience, particularly mine.

"What happened to that guy?" I asked Theo out of nowhere as he sat across from me when we were settled in my jet and prepared to leave for New York. I was glancing at the oval-shaped window while the aircraft drifted off the ground to show that I wasn't exactly that interested in his answer even if I really was.

"You mean her supposed groom?" He knows exactly who I mean.

I nodded then I noticed he adjusted his glasses by the rim to look at his iPad in my periphery, "He's been sent to another hospital. As reported, Ms. Manalo's friends caught wind of the situation and beat him up too." I almost laughed as I imagined the guy getting roughed up by a mob of people. He really got a bad taste of karma.

"And? Does he plan to press charges?"

"He can't afford to. Based on reports, he was depending on Ms. Manalo financially since they were kids because they're both orphans." Even though Theo was only spitting facts, I felt a bile rise to my throat at what he said. He mentioned it so casually that it actually annoyed me while I fold my knuckles to keep my emotions in check.

"Do you want to hear more?" I know he was looking at me intently and trying to read my thoughts but I shook my head. I don't need to hear any more of this story because diving in too deep will only disturb me. This is way too serious to simply account for a moment of pleasure or a good drama on a normal day.

"You'll forget about her soon enough." He sounded so certain of himself. Although that happens all the time once my interest wanes out after a few days, why does a part of me think that Karina will be different?

She's an unforgettable bridezilla after all.

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