Seventh Shot

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"Should I or should I not go?" Although I look stupid for plucking some flowers in a public park with a big backpack on, I really needed the sign of the gods to stop me from going. Lord, please, kahit ngayon lang.

"Should go." Puta naman. It was the last petal and no matter how many more flowers I found, it all had the same answer. Is this supposed to be a test of sheer will?

"Miss Karina, it's time to leave. You might miss your flight." Oh, did I mention that I literally got a chauffeur to ensure I get my ass on a plane? This is the downside of having rich friends, they can easily trap you into conceding.

"You're right. I have to go." I stood and dusted off the dirt in my worn-out denim jeans which were supposed to be fitting but are now too loose for me to wear.

As much as I wanted to make a run for it, I'd feel bad about having an old man in his 60s chase after me. His grey hair and wrinkles give me a sense of guilt if I give him a hard time. They sure know that I have a soft spot for the elderly and are using it against me, damn it.

I got in the BMW four-seater and chose the shotgun seat, against Dawson's transgressions. "Miss Karina, you don't need to sit beside me. You can feel more comfortable at the back." He explained but I dismissed him. I'd like to avoid treating him like some paid driver and would prefer to chat comfortably all throughout the ride. We'll be together for a few hours so might as well get on his good side. Who knows, he'll help me find an escape route.

"You're kidding me," I said out loud to show my disbelief when Dawson parked the car near a private jet. Did my friends seriously chip in all their funds to make sure that I don't run away?

Admittedly, I might get an opportunity to run if I was on a commercial flight but on this big thing? All eyes will be on me, alone, so I can't possibly back out. Additionally, this is too much of a luxury to simply feign ignorance. Although I grew up comfortably, I never experienced something this close to royalty.

"By any chance, does Ash's family own this? Or from her CEO fiancee?" I just had to ask as Dawson and I sat across each other in one of the plush seats which are more comfortable than any bed I've slept on.

I don't know the name of Ash's guy since she has tons of them under her feet. We also haven't met personally but from what I recall, Ash said that he was a CEO of a tech company.

"Neither. They borrowed it from one of Sir Smith's friends." Sir Smith? So her fiancee was a Smith? A common family name that leaves me no idea who he could be. But I know for sure that he'd definitely be hot. Ash never dates anyone—let alone marry them—if they don't have Greek God looks.

"Borrowed? Must be nice to be rich, you can borrow jets now." I half-joked and Dawson smiled a little at what I said. But seriously, who lets their friends borrow their jets? Too much money to burn, I guess. Makes me think if I should apply to be that person's friend.


"Kari!" My three best friends shouted my name—para tuloy akong artistang may mga fans na sumalubong—when Dawson and I were going down the steps and alighted the plane.

They were standing near the black limousine that was parked near the track. Are my eyes losing it at the morning glow or are they all wearing matching dresses of varying shades of yellow—my favourite colour—in different styles?

"We missed you!" They all went for a bone-crushing group hug--pwede huminga mga sismars-- when I got close to them and although it made me lose breath, it felt good to see them after so long.

I haven't seen them physically since I left the Philippines and went soul searching around the globe last year and it makes me wonder how I went a day without these people. I feel a tear about to escape my eye so I instantly wiped it away as we released the hug. No need to be all dramatic on this happy day, Kari.

"I'm glad to see all of you again. Thank you for waiting for me." And I don't only mean it for this flight itself but for all those months that I suddenly cut them off.

"Of course, we'd wait for you, Kari." Ash said and beamed at me. Her straight sunny blonde hair was longer now that it covered her entire back as she was in a sleeveless light yellow sheer dress that covered half of her thighs.

"We're always here for you, Kari." Majoy added and it was weird seeing her without the baby bump this time. She's still using the bun hairstyle for her shiny black hair while donning a puff-sleeved pale yellow dress that reached her calves. The Majoy I know is definitely wearing slippers underneath because she prefers comfort over style any day.

"I'm not going to be nice and act like I wasn't sulking when you missed my wedding, Kari." I know more than anyone that they half-meant what they said.

I glanced at Reese who for the first time is wearing a fitting one-sleeve dark yellow backless dress that covers past their knees matched with black gladiator sandals. Their short scarlet red hair was gelled back, making them look jaw-dropping in the morning sun.

"I'm sorry, Ri boo." I tried to sound cute using the endearment that always wins their heart. "I was busy asking the penguins to show me where to find the signal. Apparently, they don't speak English." I jested and that broke their cold front, showing me a goofy grin that makes all the girls and gays lose their wits.

I see my opening, "How can I make it up to you?" I tried to scoot closer and plead with my puppy dog eyes.

"You owe me another hug." Of course, I do. I gave them a tight hug and the other two followed suit.

"Now, what's the first agenda of the day?" I asked them even if I already know the answer to that.

The three looked at each other and said in unison, "Shopping!"


"Can we all take a break now?" I complained as the hot afternoon sun of New York City was pricking my skin. I might get more tanned than I already am since I was wearing a short-sleeved mayonnaise yellow a-line dress that barely covers up to my ass. They wouldn't allow me to wear anything else even if I got on my knees.

The three of them stopped in their tracks—since they were walking ahead—with a bunch of shopping bags from luxurious brands on their hands. Dior, Hermes, Chanel, Prada, Louis Vuitton, you name it. We've pretty much hopped from one boutique to the other.

If we were in Paris, we would be going to ateliers and not shops and that would definitely break my entire life savings. The amount of clothes that we've shopped in over 5 hours is more expensive than my entire getaway trip last year. Albeit, this was all sponsored by Ashley's fiance who willingly gave his black card to his soon-to-be wife. Sana all.

"You want to grab something to eat?" Thank God, Ri knows what I need. Food will always perk up my mood and I need coffee too.

"Yes, please! And I need to change my shoes too." I was wearing wedges because it'd look better with my outfit but I'm switching them to sneakers because my feet are sore. But then there are people like Ashley who didn't break a sweat while walking in 6-inch stiletto heels in the streets of NYC with all the shopping bags in both her hands. That's a model's superpower, I tell you.

"Then let's all have lunch first so we can prepare for the party later," Ashley announced and I know a hoard of make-up artists and hairstylists will be swarming our rooms later. We all had separate suites in the biggest hotel in NYC--which I forgot the name--since we have different circumstances. Majoy is with her kids and husband, Ri's with their wife, Ash is with her fiancee and then there's me. The one who's undeniably single and would like to keep it that way for as long as I live. Mabuhay ang mga single!

Never Have I EverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora