Twentieth Shot

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"Oh, no, no. I was going to ask the maid of honour for a date." I was never the type to get violent in front of a big group of people since I like to maintain a good image but that moment when that redhead slipped such stupidity from his mouth, I wanted to stand from my seat and punch the life out of him regardless of the repercussions.

I guess beating some sense into him last time didn't exactly do enough damage. And how the fuck did he get in here? The only people who had the power to allow anyone inside was me, apart from the wedded couple.

Before I do it myself and screw this goddamn wedding, with the last bit of my patience left, I eyed Dane and the rest of the guards to get rid of that fucker. I also tried to look at Karina who seemed deep in thought and glanced at the idiot to explain what the hell is going on. This was not part of the plan at all. And even if it was, I would never allow something like this to happen to her.

However, he seemed as confused as I was so it can only mean one thing. His fiancee did something about this and I'm no saint to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"Kari! Kari, I know you like me! Stop acting as if nothing happened between us." Excuse me? Can he hear himself right now? That's a death wish, you motherfucker, because no one is allowed to get a foot close to her. Not on my watch, son of a gun.

Moments later after they dragged him out, I noticed Karina looking at her friend. Elliot's fiancee appeared unfazed and it fuelled my suspicions about what was going on. His ex was also gone yet again like a mirage. It's really suspicious and I better have my people investigate the truth.

Once I find out that they used Karina as a scapegoat, every single person in this wedding will have the worst taste of hell from me even if it's her friends involved. No one's going to survive this unscathed with how they all are treating her.

When I saw her stand from her seat and run away, all hell broke loose. On impulse, I stood and followed after her but before I could leave, the idiot stopped me in my tracks, "Where are you going?" He hissed at me and held my arm which caused a bigger uproar. I know everyone's thinking why the coolheaded Calix suddenly stormed out in the middle of a wedding because of one woman.

"You know where," I growled at him and stole a glance at his wife-to-be who only looked at us with a blank expression.

"Good luck marrying that bitch." Even if I wanted to say it out loud, I spared them a bit of decency left in my system.

I've been hearing all the bad rumours about her but I chose to ignore them given that she's the idiot's fiancee and Karina's friend. However, seeing her act like nothing was going on when Karina was being treated like that earlier, proves that she's more of a manipulative bitch than I thought. Who knows, this might be her plan all along to stop Elliot's ex from creating a fuss. Wedding of the century, my ass.


"Calix, let's go here!" Despite what happened almost a day ago, here I am with Karina who's all smiles while dragging me to the entrance of the Haunted Mansion. Like I said before, I don't believe in ghosts but I hate being caught off guard the most. And this place is the best one to leave me surprised.

I tried to pull back and use all my strength to not let her take me inside but she pouted, "You're leaving me alone to go in there?" So how can I possibly say no to that?

"Of course not." I resigned to my fate and she squeezed my hand in excitement. Oh fuck, I'm down bad and I'm not complaining.

"How fun was that?!" Although we've only spent time with each other for a short while, it was the first time that I've seen her looking so giddy over something. It was as if her inner child was awakened and I'm honoured to be the one who got to witness this. I wanted to capture it so bad but I don't think any camera in the world could possibly take the perfect snap of this moment right here. If any money in the world would make it plausible, I'd like that snippet of her big smile to be framed and hung up on my wall. Oh fuck, Calix, can you hear yourself right now?

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