Nick, do it (Georgenotfound)

Start from the beginning

"I told him to give me a reason- I told him, he said to do it." Nick rambles in the corner Punz took him over to. I can hear Punz trying to get him to come back to his senses, listening to Nick's rambling while he waits.

I know Nick. Hell, I've been living with him for over a year now. I know he can get mad easily, and George has been riling him up for the past day. Nick would never hurt his friends on purpose. Especially not George. So, he must be really out of it to get this far. Once he's sobered up, I know he's going to feel immensely guilty, and apologise like no tomorrow.

I sit back down next to George as Karl continues to call him name.

"George?" Karl repeats and this time, George looks over at him, no longer in the shock he was in before.

"Hmm? Sorry. I didn't think he'd actually do it." He laughs and Karl laughs a bit too.

As they talk, I focus more on the red handprint marked on George's pale skin, and when I say red, I mean red. It's really clear as well; you can make out each individual finger, and the whole outline of Nick's hand. That's not going to go away easily.

"Does it hurt?" I ask. It seems like a pretty valid question.

"Yeah, just like a stinging pain." George nods, and both Karl and I wince. "Give me your phone, I want to see it." He holds a hand out.

I pass him my phone and he swipes the screen over to the camera; he moves the phone to angle his cheek and takes a photo. He presses on the photo and tenses up a bit.

"It looks worse than I thought." He says, zooming into the image more.

"It was also really loud, were your ears ringing?" Karl laughs, trying to lighten the mood, and it works as a smile pulls at Georges lips, he shakes his head.

"Nope, pretty close though." He laughs in response, passing my phone back to me. "Do you think it'll be gone by tomorrow?" He asks, wiping his fingers over the mark softly.

"I doubt it. It'll probably end up bruising." I answer and he groans.

"Everyone's going to think I was assaulted or something." He whines, bringing his legs to his chest.

Considering we still have many Twitchcon events on tomorrow, and that we've got to be there in general. This is bad timing. George is one hundred percent right. Everyone will end up noticing and make up rumours that would be inaccurately untrue. Actually, we can probably cover it up with make-up or something.

"We could cover it up with foundation?" Karl suggests before I even have the chance. George contemplates it, seemingly coming to the same conclusion as I did as he accepts the offer with a smile.

Nick's rambling has stopped now. I look over to the two of them in the corner. Nick has a cup of water that Punz must've supplied and is taking carful sips from it. They're also in a discussion, and if going by the look of guilt on Nick's face, I'd say they're talking about ways to make it up to George.

"Are you mad at him?" I ask, tearing my eyes away from Nick to George.

He looks at me confusedly. "No? Why would I be? It's my fault after all. I've been messing with him the past day; I knew it wouldn't take long for him to snap. I'm just a bit.. annoyed that he actually did it, I guess."

A few minutes pass and Nick slowly begins to make his way over to us, unsure if he should. Punz is trailing behind, silently encouraging him to keep moving.

"Alright, George," he starts, getting George and Karl's attention. George frowns slightly as his appearance. "George..." Nick takes a deep breath, "you get to hit me." He finishes.

I blink. I did not see that one coming.

George's frown quickly turns into a grin, as if he's also been waiting for this moment. "I'm gonna hit you hard." He smirks. George might not be mad at him, but I know he'd take any chance to slap Nick.

George leans forward and Nick roll his eyes. He comes closer to George and crouches, hands on knees so they're both at the same height. There's just enough distance for George to slap him.

"It's fine. It's fine, just do it." Nick encourages and reassures, but George doesn't look like he needs either.

"George, don't hit him too hard. Hit him too hard, and he'll retaliate." I warn but George shakes his head, already too determined.

"No, I'm gonna hit him hard." George responds. Nick's eyes are already closed, waiting for the hit.

I sigh and lean into the couch. Welp, it's not like they'll listen to me anyways. This could just as well turn into back-and-forth cat fight.

Huh... Karl's no longer sitting on the couch, where is.... I look around the room and spot him over to the side, holding a camera and recording at a perfect angle. I've got to get the video later.

George slaps Nick hard. Not as hard as Nick had slapped him but still hard. Nick grabs his cheek in pain, while George leans back looking rather unimpressed.

"It wasn't hard enough." George declares, and Nick looks to him as if he's insane.

"What do you mean, 'it wasn't hard enough." Nick mocks, but George just stares at him until he gives in. It only took a matter of seconds before he caved in. The guilt must really be bad.

I look back over at Karl again. He's still recording, amusement written all over his face, but now Punz is standing next to him, watching this place out from both views.

Nick crouches down into the same position as before, eye clenches shut, waiting for impact. George leans forward and gets his hand ready. He slaps him again in the same place as before. Nick hisses, stumbling back and cursing under his breath.

Now we have to cover up his mark as well. I bet it'll be double the amount of red compared to George's.

"Alright, we're even." George says smugly, leaning back into the couch to which Nick scoffs.

I look at Karl and Punz, wanting their attention without saying anything. When they notice me looking, I mouth send it to me with a smile. They both nod and fall into silent giggles. Karl turns his phone around the right way and Punz taps on the screen.
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