"Do you wanna come with me?"

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Coco's POV:

Mick and I were sitting outside the building. The party was still going.

"The stars look beautiful." I looked up at the sky and then looked at Mick.

"They do. They're absolutely mesmerizing." He whispered and I chuckled. "What?" He smiled.

"Mesmerizing? What kind of word is that?" I asked amused by his use of words.

"What? They're mesmerizing." He repeated chuckling and I laughed.

Our laughter slowly faded and Mick sighed. He rested his chin on his hands.

"What?" I asked and he responded with a confused hum. "You sighed." He looked to the ground, fidgeting with his hands.

"I...I wanted to give Brin a present but I didn't know if she'd like it." He spoke and I pursed my lips.

"What is it?" I asked and Mick bit his tongue, still looking down. I put my hand on his chin and turned his head towards me delicately. "Mick, you can tell me." I whispered, my eyes shifting from his eyes to his lips, I couldn't help it.

Mick's lips curved up a little bit and he put his hand in the pocket of his jacket, pulling out a small blue box. He opened it and it was a butterfly necklace.

Brina loved butterflies.

"It's kinda cheesy but..." Mick started and I cut him off.

"It's beautiful." I swallowed hard and looked down. "Brina will totally love it." I looked back at his blue eyes.

"I don't know if I should give it to her." He scratched the back of his neck.

"You should totally give it to her. She'll love it, I know it." My heart dropped to my stomach.

"Thank you, Coco." He grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers. "You're a great friend." He smiled and I forced a smile.

"I try." I looked down.

"Well you're the best." He put his hand on my chin, lifting it up delicately.

I stared into his beautiful blue eyes. My breath getting heavy. My eyes shifted to his lips. I smiled a little bit and he smiled too. I leaned in.

"Coco! Mick!" George peeked his head out of the door. "Come back in, I think Daniel's gonna do a backflip and Checo's downing a whole bottle by himself!" He yelled and laughed, he looked absolutely wasted.

"We're coming!" Mick yelled and chuckled softly.

"Make it quick! You're gonna miss Daniel's backflip!" He yelled. "Hey Charles! Don't drink the bottle by yourself you asshole!" He yelled and walked in closing the door.

"We should go back in." Mick suggested grimacing and I chuckled softly.

"Yeah, Dani's backflip isn't gonna end well." I raised my eyebrows and Mick chuckled.

He stood up and extended his hand to help me up. I grabbed his hand and he helped me up. We walked back in the party holding hands.


Sabrina's POV:

Lando, Heidi, Luisa and I had left the party. We walked in my room and I threw myself on the couch, putting my hands on my face.

"I hate my mom." I grabbed a pillow and put it on my face. "She's such a bitch." My muffled voice sounded.

"She has always been but don't let her ruin your day." Heidi spoke sitting next to me.

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