Harry:- No, Teddy, I'm sorry... I am very sorry for failing you as a godfather—for making you feel not included and apart from your family... you have every right to be angry at me.

Teddy:- No, I was just being blind for no reason! You are the best godfather one could ask for...my parents really knew who they were intrusting my responsibility upon. *Laughs* I can't believe I was jealous of my...baby brother! Did I ever tell you that he's the prettiest baby I've ever seen?!

Harry:- *feels his heart melt like ice and hugs Teddy again* You're the best godson one could ask for!

Teddy:- *hairs turns red* Oh shut up... *Laughs with Harry* Alright...*opens his mouth wide* AAAA-

Harry:- *blinks* Huh?

Teddy:- Didn't you brought food for me?

Harry:- Ooo yeah- I forgot... *Grabs the tray and sweetly feeds him Chocolate Pancakes*

Teddy:- But... there's one thing I know for sure...

Harry:- And that is?

Teddy:- I love Ginger-Ginny more!!! You can't possibly make pancakes as delicious as she does.

Harry:- *pouts* Ooo really? *Tickles Teddy and Teddy laughs doubling over* All that Dumbledore speech gone in vain because my godson betrayed me for chocolate pancakes?

Teddy:- BAHAHAHHAHAHA-S-S-HAHAHA-S-STOP! STOP-AHAHHAHAA *Laughs until tears of hysteria comes* 

Ginny:- *entering in* I swear to god, this Ginger-Ginny ain't becoming a thing!

Evanna:- Nahh- Ginger-Gin it is!!! *coming in too followed by Ron, Hermione and Lianna*

Teddy and Harry:- Heyyy, you guys were spying on us?!

Lianna:- Of course we were not... We couldn't just help but hear in the pep-talk.

Hermione:- Honestly Harry, I never knew you had the Dumbledore-speech making skill... I couldn't have put that in words better!

Evanna:- *snorts* Yepp- old people tend to grow more sappy.

Lianna:- *laughs* Harrydore-

Harry:- Hey! *Hits them both with Stinging Hex*

The twins:- Ouch! Old people don't hurt youngsters!!!

Teddy:- *laughing with Ron, Hermione and Ginny* Do the beard growth charm!!!

Lianna:- Fantastic idea, Teddy-bear...beardium engorgio!!! ( A/N: We are well aware the spell doesn't exist, Thank-you very much)

*Harry ducks and the spell hits Ron who grows a long white beard, Hermione clicks a photo*

Ron: Bloody  hell you two!!! Pimple-ous Engorgio!!! *Aims at Evanna who hides behind Hermione*

Hermione:- *face red with nasty pimples* You—complete—arse Ronald Weasley!!! *Throws a well-aimed hair-colour changing charm*

Ron:- Accio Harry!!!

Harry:- *having pink hair now, scowls* Rictesempra!!!

Ginny:- *doubles over in laughter and wheezes out of breath* S-s-stop!!!

Evanna:- *aims a hair-growth charm at Lianna* BAHAHHAHAHA- You look hideous

Lianna:- *aims a spell that makes her short*


*At the end of the day, everyone is multi-hair coloured, bearded, face-wrinkled with laughter, height differences and tear-stained with joy*

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