Chapter 7 - Ron and Hermione.

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Harry:- HERMIONE! Ron check her pulse! Quickly!

Ron:- I did! she's alive, I'm taking her to St. Mungo's. You stay here and go on find Teddy!

Harry:- Are you mad? I'm not leaving Hermione.

Ron:- I am with her! You go on, Hermione would want the sa—

Harry:- Ron, We've no clue where Teddy is, dawn is at its peak and as much I know, this was only a place where they lured us into and there's one percent chance Teddy will be here and given the moment I'm. Not. Leaving. Her! Quick! Let's go already!

Ron:- I-alright then!

*They both apparate outside St. Mungo's*

Ginny:- Oh thank goodness you're here I was just—WHAT ON EARTH HAPPENED??

Harry:- Ginny please, there's no time to explain call the—


*A lot of Healers come out to see what's happening*

Healer:- *Gasps* Quickly Walter! Miss Granger's injured!

*They take Hermione in, leaving Ron, Harry and Ginny outside*

Harry:- *after explaining all the events* ...and then we came here.

Ginny:- You guys should've at-least  told me! That was completely ridiculous, not even telling the Godmother of Teddy about his whereabouts.

Harry:- As I said, we were already too late and delaying more made no sense, so we rushed up immediately.

Ginny:- I just hope Hermione gets better soon. Lianna is with Evanna, she's gained consciousness a while ago but she's still a bit weak.

Harry:- I'll go visit her after this. *Harry notices Ron taking no part in their conversation and blankly staring at the place where Hermione had been taken* Ron?

Ron:- Hm?

Harry:- Are you... alright?

Ron:- Yeah fine just...just a bit...just worried about Hermione... she'll be alright of course...she just got few no–a lot of wounds and is unconscious and...*His voice breaks as he covers his face with his hand* Oh I don't know anything, I wish I hurried! Did you see the amount of blood...

*Harry gets up and hugs Ron tightly*

Harry:- Ron... it's alright, she'll be good as before, trust me.

Ron:- *breaking apart* I hope you're right, I know I'm overacting but I just feel so panic-stricken as if I'm drowning, it's just the loosing Fred feeling all over again.

Ginny:- Oh Ron don't say that... *She hugs him too* It's alright to feel that way but Hermione is a warrior! She's a survivor, if anything she's a pillar of our lives, a strong one to be precise. Not a stupid curse could break that pillar! She'll be here in no time and you'd start bickering about the dinner menu just in few hours. *she laughs a hollow laugh which Ron returns*

Harry:- Yeah just come sit down over here, we'll make everything alright together. Just relax, I'll get you all some food and drinks—We've not had anything since breakfast, we won't have a bite if you don't either! *Leaves to the fifth floor*

Ron:- *nodding* Ginny, you take Lianna to the burrow and check on Rose, James and Albus, Mum would have gone crazy by now, just fill her in about everything.

Ginny:- Ron she's already contacted me through Muggle telephone and I called her and informed about our whereabouts, obviously she was extremely worried but she's all happy taking care of Albus, Rose and James there. Thankfully Fleur, Angelina and Audrey have joined her to help Mum too. And we'll all go check on the kids after we hear about Hermione.

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