Chapter 10:- A Haphazard Situation.

Start from the beginning

Evanna:- Let the look-out begin!

Lianna:- Evanna, do you think we should look somewhere there?

Evanna:- Lianna.... *In her mind: Get one of them to staff only room* Staff only room.

Lianna:- What?

Evanna:- We- *What am I doing? DO NOT FIGHT WITH IMPERIUS CURSE!* We should look out in the staff only room there!

Lianna:- Ah...yes well I'll call the others-

Evanna:- *one only* No... we're enough aren't we?

Lianna:- Erm- I guess so...Okay let's go!

*They both enter the staff only room to find staircase*

Lianna:- Aha- staircase inside a room? That's pretty suspicious- HEY H—

Antonin:- Silencio!

Evanna:- I got her here...

Lianna:- *non verbally* STUPEFY!

Antonin:- Protego!

Lianna:- Petrificus— Antonin:- Disarm her!

Evanna:- Expelliarmus!

Lianna:- *internally thinking* What's wrong with her?

Antonin:- *confunds her and uses Imperius curse to get the others in the basement* Stun them down there! And use sleeping charm, stun yourselves too! I'll be upstairs.

Lianna:- *nods* OVER HERE! *shouting*

*       *      *

Ginny:- He confunded you to not fight Imperius Curse?

Harry:- I- I didn't knew that could happen—

Lianna:- So didn't we! *Looks at Hermione questioningly*

Hermione:- It can- Of course, it was so simple to confund someone to not fight the curse... But where are we?

Ginny:- I don't know- *Hears footsteps*

Ron:- Someone's coming...

*Antonin Dolohov enters the room with someone...someone much smaller than him, who awfully looked like-*

Harry:- TEDDY!

Antonin:- Be quiet! I've not come here to see your family drama!

Hermione:- What did you do to him? Why- Why isn't he talking?!

Antonin:- Relax Mudblood! I didn't killed him... he's just under the silencing charm. *Grabs Teddy roughly by collar and throws him inside the cellar of Evanna, Lianna and Ginny*  stay here alright? Don't think about escaping at all! I assure you- this cellar is not being unwatched.

Ginny:- *Hugging Teddy* Oh Teddy!!! Are you- Are you okay?

Teddy:- *nodding, unable to speak, and crying silently*

Harry:- What do you want? Why did you kidnap Teddy?

Antonin:- Oh we wanted nothing from the werewolf's spawn...he was just a simple way to get you and your precious friends here.

Hermione:- We are here! What do you want?

Antonin:- Relax minister or should I say,  mistress... We'll attend to you in a while, perhaps today only. *Smirks and leaves*

Ron:- What the hell! *Hits the bars loudly*

Harry:- Oh Teddy! I'm so sorry, so sorry you had to endure this. I'm sure the charm will wear off , but can you answer me by nodding and shaking your head?

*Teddy nods*

Harry:- Did they- *closes his eyes* hurt you in any- any way?

*Teddy shakes his head, denying*

Evanna:- *sighs* They fed you anything in these three days?

*Teddy nods*

Harry:- Ginny, please get him to sleep? He's too... traumatized. I- just calm him a bit?

Ginny:- *nods* Hey, hey, little Teddy bear. Oh everything is alright dear, come here. *hugs him and soothes his back calmly*

*Teddy visibly relaxes, his hair turning back to blue*

Ron:- Now that we have Teddy, what next?

Hermione:- about, trying non-verbal magic?

Harry:- Oh I dunno Hermione... Antonin said that we're being watched.

Lianna:- What are going to do then? Just...wait?

Hermione:- I suppose so. *Sighs* We can't do anything unless they do-

Evanna:- Well... let's just wait and watch?

Harry:- Don't worry, we'll be fine.

Ginny:- How can you be so sure?

*Harry, Ron and Hermione*

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