Chapter 8- Moving on.

Start from the beginning

Ginny:- H- Harry! Everyone's fine. The kids are great, mum's fine too.

Harry:- Oh. . . Sorry- we just. . .

Ron:- We found the cursed Keychain. The death eaters probably had put the curse on the keychain and when Hermione touched it—

Ginny:- Oh no she didn't touched the keychain rather she accidentally brushed her elbow against the keychain when she was trying to get out of the bush, near the bush was a plant of devil snare and she was trying to get her wand out of the bush as it had fallen and in the middle of that havoc, her forearm brushed with the cursed keychain... She didn't know it was a keychain obviously because she didn't saw it as she was trying to pick her wand—

Harry:- Hang on! How do you know that in detail?

Ron:- Yeah, especially about the devil snare and all?

Ginny:- Oh of course... Well the potions had done quite a good job and the curse hadn't shown any other harm—

Ron:- Wait do you mean—

Ginny:- The good news is... Hermione is awake! She was just talking to me few minutes ago until the healer came and told me to leave and let her sleep so I came downstairs searching for you both.

Harry:- Brilliant! We'll just go see her—

Ron:- *leaving towards the lift* What are you waiting for?

Ginny:- Guys she might be asleep by now—

Harry:- Honestly Ginny you think that it'll stop Ron? He's been waiting since—

Ron:- Are you coming or what?

Harry:- Yeah I'll go now! See you!

Ginny:- Yeah go, I'm going to Evanna's ward.

*Harry and Ron enter Hermione's ward*

Ron: Hermione!

Harry:- Uh...Ron I think she's sleeping.

Ron:- *shrugs and whispers*  I think she's pretending to be asleep, I can see her eyelids twitching. Lemme get her now.

Harry:- *whispers back* How?

Ron:- *loudly* Oh you're right Harry, she's probably asleep. Well never mind now, I thought I'd ask her permission...

Harry:- Permission? *Ron glares* Oh yeah...yeah permission of course. Well no more permission right?

Ron:- Obviously! It was Lavender Brown's birthday today *Hermoine makes a audible grunt but covers it quickly with a snore* and Lavender invited me to her birthday, I was only waiting for Hermione's permission but since she's asleep, let's go mate get ready for the party.

Harry:- Yeah? Alright Ron, let's go...


Ron:- *acting scared* O-o-oh my M-merlin! S-she's awake! O-o I am so screwed now!

Hermione:- *glares* Don't you think you'll fool me Ronald! Lavender recently had her birthday and for your kind information, I went there too! Such a cheap—

Harry:- Chill down Hermione! He's only joking. Anyways, how are you feeling?

Hermione:- Ooh Harry I've been so stupid!

Ron:- Stupid? Blimey Hermione you couldn't have spoken anything more stupid! Anyways Harry here is asking how are you feeling?

Hermione:- Of course I'm okay! Oh I've been so stupid before the accident! I realised that something was stuck in the bushes...I thought-I thought it was a clue...and oh of course I should have known it was a trap from the moment we found Teddy's bracelet! Why didn't I thought that the Death Eaters wouldn't notice a mere eight year old boy throwing his bracelet down to- to give us a hint! And I just went there at the bushes and—

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