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Katsuki sighed softly, setting down the bags. The sun was on the verge of disappearing completely on the horizon, lighting the woods in orange colors. It was getting a bit dark, though, and a certain green-haired Omega seemingly couldn't stop himself from yawning anymore. Bakugou chuckled, looking back to the lazy male, who struggled to keep up as his eyelids fell softly over emerald orbs. 

"You're tired, huh?" The blonde teased, earning a shy nod from the other male. Katsuki couldn't help but crack a smile at the dark circles showing beneath tired eyes, another yawn escaping Izuku's lips. "It's okay. We've already walked over thirty miles. Are you sore anywhere?" He questioned, earning a tired shrug from the Omega. 

"No, I'm fine. Just tired." Izuku replied, struggling to find the energy to stretch his arms. 

"Come here." Katsuki spoke, finding a flat place under a tree. He gently placed their bags next to the trunk, untying his cloak from around his shoulders. He rolled it up, putting it next to their bags before sitting down. The night was warm, so there was no need for any warmth tonight. He looked over to a greenette who lazily joined him on the ground, dusting his pants to try to stay as clean as possible. 

"We're sleeping now?" Midoriya mumbled, struggling to keep his eyes opened. Bakugou smiled wide at the sight, nodding. 

"Yeah, get some rest. I'll wake you up in the morning, 'kay?" The blonde spoke, lying down, His back rested against the tree trunk while Midoriya laid flat on the ground beside him. While soft snoring began to occur, Katsuki watched the darkness fall. The orange light surrounding him began to fade, the sound of bushes moving around him taking place. He wasn't worried; knowing it was simply rodents. He had done this far too often and easily knew how to difference the sound of a small animal and a possible predator. As the sound of crickets invaded the environment, Katsuki let his eyelids fall, soon dozing off into a deep sleep. 


Bakugou flinched at the sound of a loud scream, eyes widening. He sat up straight, looking around through the darkness. It was getting a bit chilly outside, and coyotes were clearly beginning to roam the areas, yelling at each other in codes only the mammals could understand. 

The blonde sighed as he heard another animal yell in the distance. He rolled over, hand searching for his cloak. He tapped his hand over their bags, brows furrowing as he couldn't feel his cloak. The blonde sighed, continuing to search frantically. He eventually gave up and sat up straight again, crossing his arms in frustration. He wasn't worried; his cloak was nearby, for sure. He just had to find it when sunlight would come down. 

Katsuki looked over to a sleeping greenette, who shifted in his sleep. He could barely see the freckled male, but he could easily make out the green bush of soft curls. His eyes struggled to focus, seeing the greenette's dark clothing. He frowned, confused. He was sure Izuku had been wearing some white clothing, earlier. Yet, he struggled to see the light-colored clothes through the dark. Bakugou hesitantly reached his hand out, fingers touching a rough yet heavy fabric. A low growl escaped his lips as he recognized the feel of his cloak, rolled around the greenette's body. 

He wouldn't have gotten mad if it were a normal blanket, but this was different. This was his favorite item of clothing, which nobody had ever touched before. The item of clothing that had absorbed his scent over the years. Now, some Omega was changing the scent to his own. Bakugou frowned, an urge to rip away the cloak overtaking him. He wanted to steal back his clothes, finding it rude that Midoriya had taken his things without asking first. 

Another loud scream resonated through the woods, making Katsuki retract his hands. He grumbled, glancing back at the comfortable greenette. He wanted to take back his cloak so badly but didn't want to awake the sleeping male. Therefore, he crossed his arms again. And with a pout, he dozed off to sleep again. 

The blonde struggled to sleep peacefully through four hours of cold, uncomfortable rest. He waited until the sun began to rise before standing up and stretching. He looked down to the sleeping Omega who was - as expected - curled up in the blonde's thick cloak. Katsuki grumbled, gently giving the small male a shove with his foot. A quiet groan escaped plump lips as emerald eyes lit up in the morning light. 

"Wake up." Katsuki spoke, hiding his irritation. He figured the Omega had just been a bit nervous and cold during the night. And without knowing what to do, he snatched the blonde's cloak for warmth. 

"It's morning already? Did you sleep well?" A tired voice spoke as Izuku sat up. Bakugou looked down, a bit of anger overtaking him to the sight of the drooling male. 

"I slept as well as I could have slept. I was cold as fuck." The blonde cursed, earning wide eyes from a small male. Izuku seemed to flinch, looking down to the cloak on his lap. 

"O-Oh. I'm sorry... You don't have a shirt on, you must have frozen. I'm sorry I took your cloak, by the way. I got a bit chilly during the night." Midoriya whispered, fiddling with his fingers. He flinched as the cloak was snatched from his lap, red eyes suddenly a few inches away from his. He tried his best to hide a whimper, somewhat scared of the angry blonde. 

"Don't ever touch my damn cloak again. Got it?" Katsuki snarled, earning a gulp and nod from a nervous Omega. Izuku watched as Bakugou stood up again, turning to face the other way. He held the cloak up to his nose, smelling it before a low and irritated growl occurred. 

Midoriya looked down, a bit saddened. He had really liked his interactions with the blonde prince so far. So, being growled at and somewhat scolded led him to feel a bit uncomfortable. He wanted to impress Katsuki, showing him that he's a worthy Omega. Yet, he had already managed to screw up within the first 24 hours. 

"Grab your things. Come on." Bakugou spoke with a dry snap, violently grabbing his own bag. Izuku blinked, still half-awake. He managed to gather his things, his bag being a bit heavy for him. He began to panic as he struggled to keep up with the blonde, who seemed to be purposely walking fast. Izuku struggled to crack a smile, wanting to lighten up the mood. 

"Y-You sure do walk f-fast." 


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